Chinese Medicine vs our traditional model

Join me Wed Nite at 7pm Pac/10pm EST to compare Chinese Medicine, with our traditional medical model. What’s the rest of the world have to offer and should we be adopting it?

You can access show by clicking link below or dialing 424-243-9540, or toll free 855-473-3711 in USA & 202-559-7907 Toll Free outside USA. You can also Skype in. The link can also be used after the live show, for On Demand listening at your leisure!

Don’t Worry, Be Happy

Saturday Nite at 7pm Pac/10pm EST … Don’t Worry, Be Happy

You can access show by clicking this link or dialing 424-243-9540, or toll free 855-473-3711 in USA & 202-559-7907 Toll Free outside USA. You can also Skype in. The link (shown below) can also be used after the live show, for On Demand listening at your leisure!

9/11 Eve

Join me this Eve of 9-11 to share your story, either related to 9-11 itself, or your brain injury. Both events caused a permanent ripple of loss & change for so many. Be the comfort someone needs to hear Wed Nite. On 7pm Pac/10pm EST.

You can access the show by clicking this link or dialing 424-243-9540, or toll free 855-473-3711 in USA & FREE 202-559-7907 FREE outside the U.S. The link can also be used after the live show, for On Demand listening

Catastrophic Reactions: How to Recognize, Manage, and Prevent Them

Guest will be regular contributor Dr. Maria Romanas & her mentor Dr. Larry Schutz.

You can access show by clicking this link below or dialing 424-243-9540, or toll free 855-473-3711 in USA & FREE 202-559-7907 FREE outside US. This link can also be used after the live show, for On Demand listening:

This week on Recovery Now – August 20, 2014

This week on Recovery Now is Mike Carey, discussing Cellular Memory and Healing.

You can access the show by clicking the link below or dialing 424-243-9540, or toll free 855-473-3711 in USA & 202-559-7907 outside the U.S. This link can also be used after the live show, for On Demand listening too! Show is always on Wed Nite 7pm Pac/10pm EST.


Brain Injury Journey Article

Kim had an article published in the Brain Injury Journey magazine – the August/September 2013 edition. The magazine cover and article are shown below.
Brain Injury Journey

Brain Injury Journey

Brain Injury Journey

Additionally, an article was included (shown below on the right side of the page) detailing Final Salute Inc. and its founder, Jaspen Boothe. Kim interviewed this amazing woman and that interview can be heard at:

Brain Injury Journey

The Never Say Impossible Show

When: Thursday May 24th, 8:00 PM-9:00 PM ET
Where: WQ4D Radio: The Inspiring Friends Network

Listen Live Here: Unfortunately the WQ4D Radio network is no longer available.

Topic : In a Flash your life can change

One moment you feel fine and you hold the world in your hands. Then seemingly, out of the blue, without warning, you don’t know what’s happening. You are in blinding pain, and you are faced with one of the biggest challenges anyone can face. A brain aneurysm and the unknown!

Kim Justus, author and talk show host, shares her personal account of her battle to survive a ruptured brain aneurysm, a near death experience, and the miracles that ensued. In a Flash, Kim’s memoirs are a powerful story of survival, challenges of faith, and divine orchestration. Kim’s story offers encouragement and hope to those who have suffered a loss, or who have ever questioned their faith.

CLICK HERE to listen live and join the conversation!
(Unfortunately the WQ4D Radio network is no longer available)
Or call in to listen live at: (347) 996-5242.