Grief with David Roberts

David J. Roberts, LMSW, became a parent who experienced the death of a child, when his daughter Jeannine died of cancer on 3/1/03 at the age of 18. He is a retired addiction professional and an adjunct professor in the psychology and psychology-child life departments at Utica College. He is the chapter leader for The Compassionate Friends of the Mohawk Valley an organization dedicated to supporting families who have experienced the death of a child. Dave has also been a past keynote speaker and workshop presenter at national and regional grief conferences. Mr. Roberts has been a past HuffPost contributor and has contributed other articles to Medium, Open to Hope Foundation, Mindfulness and Grief, Thrive Global, and the Recovering the Self Journal.

Simon Says: One Wasn’t Enough, Surviving Polytrauma

Kim & Co-Host Simon Will Discuss Both Sides of Gratitude, Trauma & Recovery. So we’ve endured the fallout from our Brain Injuries, just thought we’d adapted .. And here comes more health challenges! Little hard tracking the Doc’s anyway, but after our brain injuries, perhaps more so. Will talk to Simon about where he has been the last several months, then about new challenges I am facing. Here we go again .. With Thanksgiving around the corner, we recognize that things can always be worse, and keep what we are Thankful for up front. Also a lot of confusion on the true current status Delta/Corona virus, the vaccines, the booster, the shift in demographic being hit .. Perhaps clear up some confusion, I know I’ve had. Join Us & even call in if you’d like to add to either of these topics. 🙂

TBI and Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse swirls around all angles of Traumatic Brain Injury. Some TBI’s are incurred while under the influence, some addictive disorders are stoked by self medication started during brain injury treatment, and yet others are as a result of self medicating after the TBI. Life changes happen after brain injury that we often don’t have productive tools to deal with, that can lead to some dire consequences. With faith, determination to adapt, the proper tools and support, these outcomes can change from the dark side to creating a life worth living. I invite callers tonight to talk about the impact that substance abuse has had on their lives, and TBI’s.

Honoring Veteran’s & Devil Dogs Birthday

Happy 246th Birthday to the United States Marines, and our Gratitude and Heartfelt Appreciation to those who have served this Veteran’s Day. I will be sharing an Amazing story about a Civil War Veteran Finally located & brought home through the efforts of a lifetime Brotherhood. My guest will be Veteran, Mike Pauly to tell the tale. Thanks too, Missing in America Project. CALL TO ACTION for Help in a disgusting example of Veteran Homelessness and how you can help, not only in this situation, but across the country. I welcome calls from our Veteran’s to share what their service and this Day means to them. Congressman Ted Lieu (Calif 33rd Dist) Contact Info: DC Office 202-225-3976 or District Office 323-651-1040 or write:, and or: West Calif Veteran’s Administration: 5430 East Olympic BLVD – Commerce, Calif 90022 or call 323-728-9966, and may I suggest you share your thoughts with your own Congress Reps & our Current Administration since this is an ongoing, not a localized issue.

Why They Stay

Why They Stay: Sex Scandals, Deals, and Hidden Agenda of Eight Political Wives By Anne Michaud Why Do Good Women Stay with Bad Men? Are Political Wives Just as Calculating as Their Infamous Husbands? As a leading political reporter for the Wall Street Journal, Anne Michaud covered Bill Clinton’s 1996 re-election campaign, Anthony Weiner’s 2005 mayoral bid and Eliot Spitzer’s rise and fall as New York’s governor from 2006 to 2008. Few folks have had the front row seat to the spectacular fall from grace of these politicians and the women who endured the cataclysm with them. Which got her wondering–as so many of us have–why did most of these women stick it out–or stay for as long as they did? Were they simply doing the Stand By Your Man blues, or did they have other motivations? The book is the result of her musings and her deeply researched and fascinating analysis.