You thought your dog was here just to be your loving support and joyful playmate! Bet your pup is potentially much more than that according to Heather Leigh Strom. Your pet could be the physical conduit for your K9 Spirit Guide! In her groundbreaking book K9 Spirit Guides: The Healing Power of Man’s Best Friend, Heather Leigh reveals that these unique spiritual energies are here to guide us on OUR journeys of healing, growth, wisdom, transformation, spiritual evolution and ascendency. And the ones that choose to enter your life through your pet are divinely matched to you to teach you what your soul is calling to learn. Heather Leigh would only discover this for herself after having passed through decades of a deeply difficult life, beginning with a verbally abusive and emotionally absent father, then poverty, crippling accidents, loss and more. Fueled by sheer willful determination, pain and repressed rage, she created three highly successful careers, in dog training, physical therapy and cycling. Heather Leigh Strom shares how her canine companions came to her with specific gifts at specific times to move her toward healing and a joyful life. She has become the channel through which the K9 Spirit Guides are bringing their messages and frequency of healing to all of us. See: &
Vance Breese the Not So Easy Rider
In 1991 I was a successful Harley Davidson Dealer, marketed an onboard dynamometer of my own design for motorcycles and had a successful software company that licensed software to manage a motorcycle business. In 1994/95 He was also aspiring to break the land to speed record (then 318mph). Things were going well .. until they weren’t. His parachutes didn’t open, and a horrific accident occurred. Needless to say, Vance was so seriously injured, that the medical team didn’t expect him to live. He was on life support with a severe TBI, not showing any brain activity. What happens from there are things miracles are made of, and strong message of hope to all who hear his story. For more on Vance see:
Meet New Upcoming Host with the Most
Michele Kauffman is a twice recovered Traumatic Brain Injury Survivor, has years of experience supporting others in positive approaches in healing. Her professional accounting career with the United States Attorney’s Office ended at the bottom of the stairs she fell down, as she could no longer add six and seven without taking off her shoes…… Michele facilitated in person support groups at Harborview Support Group, Swedish Cherry Hill, Benaroya Hall, and West Seattle Senior Center over a decade on Thursdays, growing other leaders in the community. Currently leading a five peer to peer support groups on Brain Network with Dr. Lisa Hirsh, her partner. They offer hope and connect Survivors, friends, families and professionals working on moving forward towards a happy life both physically and mentally. She lives in Seattle with her husband, Tom and Hallelujah, her seven year old service dog,125 lb. Newfoundland /Standard Poodle. For more see: I AM HOPE: honest, open, proud and enough. Thus the name of her new show, the 4th Tuesday of each month starting Jan 23rd!! Pen her in for next Tuesday and make her feel welcome!
A Life Worth Living
Welcome to the New Year! It is also the first 2nd Wednesday of 2024, when my formidable co-host Caren Robinson joins us. As many could help but notice around the holidays, our platform Blog Talk Radio went (as the military sometimes says) “Tango Uniform”. We’re sorry for that, because holidays can be joyful, but they can also be a time of isolation. We’re in the advocacy business, so we were angry and saddened we couldn’t be there for one another. Thankfully the calendar has changed, and we’re back to spread hope in the new year. This leads in to the topic of our show tonight – TIME – Looked at by a number of vantage points. One in that BOTH Caren & I are upon anniversaries of our original (diagnosed) Brain Injuries. Those were not only game changers, but time changers as well. How we choose to budget, appreciate, reflect, project, and utilize our time weighs in heavy on our quality of life. Join Caren and Kim, call and share how you holidays went as well as any new plans on how you’ll be spending YOUR time this year!
Sex, Suicide, Serotonin & the Best Brain Possible
Debbie Hampton recovered from decades of unhealthy thinking and depression, a suicide attempt, and resulting brain injury to become an inspirational and educational writer on brain, psychological, emotional, and mental health issues for Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, and more. On her website, Debbie shares how she rebuilt her brain and life to find joy and thrive. She wants you to know that you can do it too! You can quickly learn the steps to a better you in her book, Beat Depression And Anxiety By Changing Your Brain, with simple practices easy to implement in your daily life. Improve your brain, improve your life. Debbie has also published an intimate, entertaining, inspiring, and educational memoir, Sex, Suicide and Serotonin: Taking Myself Apart and Putting Myself Back Together. You can get daily inspiration and information by joining Debbie on Facebook at Best Brain Possible, or connect to FB and get information on both her books at