Pure Faith Awesomeness

James Robertson is a TBI survivor who was knocked into a coma for four days right before his junior year of high school started. His right frontal brain lobe was bruised and a few connectors were sheered off in a brutal car accident which changed him forever by hot wiring his brain to put out an intensity that he calls “Pure Faith Awesomeness!” His story is a testimony to the power of positivity and the beauty of life unfiltered. He is an aspiring inspirational speaker and you definitely don’t want to miss this radio show!

Jammin’ with Jimmy About TBI Love

My guest tonight is James Durham III, friends call him Jimmy Jam. He had done many different jobs, but his main focus has been in real estate property management, specifically apartments. Talking to people, helping people get a good place to live and just helping people in general, has always been something he likes to do. He never sits still always working, working out, having fun, and being positive no matter what, for negativity is poison. We have all been granted a ravishing life thanks to God. We are all truly rich because it is filled with things that are worth more than money and shine brighter than any diamonds…Supportive family, friends that become family, our animals & the author of heaven, supply a beautiful world & equisite life!

The last thing you will ever think about is a TBI, but once you get one then it will be the first thing you think of, so lets finally end the silence. See on Facebook TBIOneLove & also James “Jimmy Jam” Durham at www.caringbridge.org

Love the life you live and that life will love you right back. He’s anxious to have your stories added to TBI One Love Family Tree!

Bestselling Neurosurgeon Dr Eben Alexander Discusses NDE’s

After decades as a physician and teacher at Harvard Medical School and elsewhere, renowned academic neurosurgeon, Dr. Eben Alexander, thought he knew how the brain, mind, and consciousness worked. A transcendental Near-Death Experience (NDE) during a week-long coma from an inexplicable brain infection changed all of that– completely. He has spent the last seven years since his NDE reconciling his rich spiritual experience with contemporary physics and cosmology. He discovered that by probing deeply into our own consciousness, we transcend the limits of the human brain, and of the physical-material realm.

A pioneering scientist and thought leader in consciousness studies, Dr. Alexander has been a guest on Dr. Oz, Oprah, and many other national and international media programs. His books, Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife and The Map of Heaven: How Science, Religion, and Ordinary People Are Proving the Afterlife, have collectively spent more than two years atop the New York Times and international bestseller lists.

Being Your Own Advocate at All Times

My guest will be Peter Hoecherl discussing bias treatment by law enforcement, and what a tangled web that can be weaved. He will walk us through things to watch out for, and new resources to be aware of to protect ourselves. When trouble knocks, we need to be educated in helpful resources ourselves. Advocacy doesn’t come easy. For a “Vulerable Adult” he hasn’t done too bad!

Peter suffered TBI’s in 1989, 96, 98, 2001, 09 & 13. His prognosis has remained that there is nothing that can repair his deficits. He has no left temperal lobe functions, no positive emotional states, No frontal cortex (pleasure center), and his word and language processing very inhibited. Peter has gone on to explore higher education and many hobbies, even after all of the injuries he has sustained. “PJ” knows that in order to move forward, we need an attitude of determination and action..No matter what.