Kim & Simon discuss Brain Injury Adaptation, Sustained Effects of Stress on Brain Injury, Current Events and the summer we’ll never forget. Callers welcome!!
Dr. Robert Fraser on Aspects of Brain Injury
Robert Fraser, Ph.D is a professor in the University of Washington’s Dept of Rehabilitation Medicine, jointly with the Departments of Neuro Surgery, Neurology, and consultant to the Social Security Admin. Dr. Fraser is a certified rehab counselor & life care planner. He directs Neurological Vocational Services within Rehab Medicine, specializing in brain injury, epilepsy and MS. He has co-authored numerous articles and four text books to include TBI Rehabilitation.
Secrets to Living a Fantastic Life
Dr. Allen Lycka and Harriet Tinka share harrowing and traumatic escapes from death…his from a misdiagnosis of what he was told was a terminal illness, and she from a nearly fatal kidnapping and beating by a stalker. Together and individually, they faced their experiences with courage, and found inspiration in each dawning day… Dr. Allen Lycka is best known as one of the leading cosmetic dermatologists in the world, is now acknowledged as a leading expert in Living A Fantastic Life and Turning Points. He is a transformational speaker, thought leader, coach, and mentor. Harriet, a gorgeous former runway and magazine model, found new life as a transformational speaker, passionate life coach, blogger, Chartered Professional Accountant, Football Official, and an ultra-marathon runner. Dr. Allen Lycka and Harriet have teamed up to put the wisdom they have gleaned since their traumas into a powerful new book The Secrets of Living A Fantastic Life: The 13 Golden Pearl Within…
Roads Less Traveled
Tonight 2nd WED Host, Caren Robinson and Weekly Host, Kim Justus will talk about “What We Did on Our Summer Vacation” – Did you go, did you not? Considerations & Confusion on COVID (gatherings, travel, health, school, politics, masks, contact … Oh my!) – We will welcome callers to participate in their COVID experiences. I know we have heard a LOT about this subject in 2020, but so many things are impacted, it seldom gets too far from our minds. Would appreciate hearing how all of you are coping! Sprinkle that with a bit of healing music & we’ll call it a show!!
Wisdom Healing Qigong with Master Mingtong Gu
Master Mingtong Gu will explain how using the movement, sound healing and meditation woven into the specific practice of Wisdom Healing Qigong, the body will be more resistant to disease, the mind more resilient and the spirit more connected to the regenerative Universal (chi) energy — and to others without having to be in their presence. He includes in a training video “How to Reduce Stress and Transform Fear in the Time of COVID-19” within a free ebook that he will offer your listeners. You can see it here: