Many of you have heard that Blog Talk Radio is closing their operation any day now. We’re SAD because we’ve run Brain Injury Radio broadcasts & On Demand Programming there since 2009. So many great hosts and listeners. We’re MAD because they gave us so little notice to make other arrangements. They aren’t going on, but our shows will be!
We’re going to have a two part means of doing this new arrangement. We will broadcast from Zoom (Download your free Zoom account now if you haven’t already) and then watch for announcements on social media for the invitation link to join us live. After the live show, it will be transferred over to Spreaker for listening at your pleasure.
Now the link below showing a new page highlighting all shows in our history since 2009! After clicking link below find your banner or fave hosts’ & click it. Poof. All of your programs (or most – more to transfer for currently active shows) – and you will be able to preview our new home for On Demand programs. Know you will enjoy hearing the shows, as well as forwarding the link to people looking for support, awareness and advocacy regarding brain injury. Pretty cool for each show to have its own page! We appreciate you all so much for your contributions over the years.–18173751
Unfortunately I will be missing our launch due to major surgery in a couple weeks that will keep me out recovering at least a couple months. When I am back I look forward to adding some new hosts to refreshen our platform too. Join me LIVE tonight for questions, comments, last show with music for a while-Good-byes to Blog Talk & Hello Spreaker (Owned by iHeart) so we will be streaming large!
Kim Justus