Terry Smith became an advocate and writer as a result of severe Traumatic Brain Injury sustained in OCS summer training after his freshman year of college. In plan, he was to build a military career, be elected to senate, and then become President of the United States. In reality, he flat-lined twice during brain surgery and woke up from a coma with amnesia. To develop memory, he was to record daily life by writing. Three years later, he returned to college and graduated. He was awarded a writing fellowship with Paramount Pictures in Hollywood. Over the following years, he worked in film and television for 20th Century Fox, Universal Studios, and Orion Pictures. He has written three books – Jason’s Final Coming, Helvena, and Surviving Head Trauma. He is also an award winning playwright – Cherry Street Park, The Funny Thing About Death, and The Bar on 3rd St. His life advocacy is for raising awareness and prevention of TBI. See www.terrysmithbooks.com