Simon Says: The Masks We Wear & Why

In the spirit of Halloween … Something wicked this way came … Our brain Injury! When life gets turned upside down and there’s no going back, we often sport a selection of “masks” to conceal our real identity. For one, because WE don’t clearly recognize ourselves anymore! For another, we ponder the why’s, what if’s, I’m fine, try to be the old me, or who you want me to be .. So many reasons. This happens unconsciously at times, and others with the utmost intent. Times like this we find ourselves asking the age old question, “Who Am I?” As if that weren’t enough, public health concerns have compelled us to wear masks MOST of the time now. Darn, just when we thought we may have figured ourselves out! SCREAM!!!!! Is there no escape? That’s the trick. Now the treat. I believe we can, when we clearly come to a recognition of the cards we’ve just been dealt, change what we can, accept the new reality of what is, and be content with what we see sans mask. A new life, with new opportunity.

Ten Terrains of Consciousness

The Ten Terrains of Consciousness: Understand Yourself, Other People and Our World by Allen David Reed and Tahnee Woolf. The Ten Terrains of Consciousness Model maps our personal and societal evolution from the most basic, fear-based, survival consciousness to the most expanded, love-based, Unity consciousness — along a continuum of growth and expansion…and without any judgment about one stage being better than another. The Ten Terrains Model helps you understand yourself and relationships with others better. By discovering which specific Terrain you are at right now, you can understand why you see the world the way you do, why you live the kind of lifestyle you do, why you do the kind of job you do, why you hold the values and beliefs you do, why you are facing the challenges you are facing, and why you are making the choices you are making.

Hope TBI’s Caren Robinson Discussing Trauma

Life after trauma .. Daunting challenge, like a road trip without the map and no place to stop ask directions! Can you say “Lost?” Brain Injury and PolyTrauma offer unique challenges of their own, but add lack of access to support, coupled with a trauma induced environment .. Things can start to feel helpless/hopeless. Times like these affect the body, mind and soul, imprinting a memory of the traumatic event(s), that can manifest in many ways. This most often leads to symptoms of PTSD, along with those of the original trauma. Join Kim and Caren, as they discuss Trauma and the road back to a functional and happy life.

Zero Frequency with Mabel Katz

Mabel Katz is an international leader of major stature who has developed a committed and global following for her ability to radically change lives in just a few days, based on her profound Zero Frequency® teachings. Rooted in the ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving called Ho’oponopono, Zero Frequency® enables people to be at peace, not matter what is going on around them…relieving all the day-to-day worries, anxieties, projections, fears and self-esteem issues. And clearly able to hear and live by the guidance and wisdom offered by the Universe. It was in discovering Ho’oponopono — studying for 12 years intensively with the Master Ihaleakalá Hew Len, Ph.D.– that Mabel transformed her own life. Born in Argentina, Mabel moved to Los Angeles in 1983. The best-selling author of The Easiest Way; Solve Your Problems and Take the Road to Love, Happiness, Wealth and the Life of Your Dreams and several other books, including her latest Zero Frequency®, The Easiest Way to Peace, Happiness and Abundance. Zero Frequency encapsulates her full body of work, and brings forward her mastery of life skills to everyone.