Cristabelle Braden is a singer, songwriter, speaker, author, worship leader, and founder of Hope After Head Injury. After suffering a traumatic brain injury as a teen, she has overcome barriers never dreamed possible, including graduating from college, releasing three albums of original music, and touring the country as a singer and speaker on brain injury. She never wrote a song before the brain injury, but within the first month of recovery songs started pouring out of her. This has given her great resolve to encourage and empower others going through similar circumstances.
In 2017 she released an original EP entitled Hope Survives, with songs about her journey through brain injury. She’s toured all over the country to sing and speak at a variety of venues.
The hope Cristabelle lives out each day shines through on stage and off, as she shares her emotional journey with a sweet sincerity and a wisdom far beyond her years. Her music tells her story through songs narrating the struggle of finding hope through the darkest times, never giving up, and continuing to fight despite the most difficult circumstances.
Through her journey of recovery, Cristabelle grew more and more passionate about TBI support and awareness, and now has become very active as an advocate for brain injury. The goal of her organization Hope After Head Injury is to provide a support system which focuses on the emotional aspect on healing from brain injury, with an emphasis on online support. She runs a live brain injury encouragement chats every Tuesday at 7pm est on the Hope After Head Injury facebook page: – all are welcome to join in the discussion!
For more information and tour dates, visit For more about Cristabelle’s work with brain injury, visit