After a month away, Kim is back LIVE with her co-host Simon Lewis (gone much longer) for not only Hump Day, but tonight Wicked Wednesday! Fall is upon us – Change. Halloween is around the corner – Masks. The hosts have been fighting difficult health challenges, but bravely crawl back to the Mic tonight. We invite YOU to call in and join us! We invite you to test drive your Halloween Costume for the show! Call and disclose what your costume is, and why you selected it. Play the game of the worst Halloween movies ever made .. And share your favorites. The world in turmoil (AGAIN) .. Seems relentless globally, and personally the past few years, and it’s not headed the right direction now. While a shadow is cast that “Something Wicked This Way Comes” .. Let’s volley some serious – (our fears), and some fun (our survival).
Healing Animals with Prairie Conlon
Prairie is a licensed mental health therapist who utilizes animal assisted interventions in all walks of her mental health practice. She has a master’s degree in professional counseling and a postgraduate degree in military behavioral health counseling. She is certified as an equine assisted psychotherapist and has presented at national conferences on her techniques for providing equine therapy for military members and their families, with special emphasis on transitioning from the military back to civilian life. She consults for several non-profits for veteran and first responder trauma work to include the Lone Survivor Foundation and Horses that Heal. Prairie is a passionate supporter of emotional support animals as a means of finding hope and healing. She is the Clinical Director of Therapetic and consults for CertaPet, one of the largest emotional support animal companies in the nation. Prairie was recently featured on Military Makeover and in The Guardian documentary Creature Comforts for her work as the founder and developer of Emotional Support Animal Assisted Therapy (ESAAT) to further enhance the effectiveness of emotional support animals, and has developed techniques to decrease anxiety and panic attacks, depressive symptoms, and sleep difficulty. See:
Brain Injury Resources with Kim & Caren
Kim and Co-Host Caren Robinson Discuss Resources and Support for the Brain Injury Community – Where do we find these things. The merit of doing so, as well as the challenges can be daunting.
Bankrupt with My Brain Bucks
Join Kim for Discussion and some Indie Music! Special Friends Pitching in! Maybe you?