Shattered Dreams: Acclaimed Veteran Survivor, Advocate & Prolific Writer (Books & Playright) Terry Smith will be sharing his journey

‪#‎inaflash‬ …Please join us this Wednesday Night!

To access the show at 7pm/Pac or 10pm/est, click the link below to hear by computer (& view show details now) or dial 424-243-9540 to listen by phone. Skype can also be used. The link is good for BOTH live show & to hear the On Demand recorded version anytime after.

Dr. Adrian Harel thinks outside the box to develop new treatments for brain injury and degenerative diseases.

‪#‎inaflash‬ To access the show at 7pm/Pac or 10pm/est, click the link below to hear by computer (& view show details now) or dial 424-243-9540 to listen by phone. Skype can also be used. The link is good for BOTH live show & to hear the On Demand recorded version anytime after.–now-with-kim-justus

The H.O.W. of Recovery (honesty, open mindedness & willingness)

‪#‎inaflash‬ These valuable tools of recovery can alter the its course.

To access the show at 7pm/Pac or 10pm/est, click the link below to hear by computer (& view show details now) or dial 424-243-9540 to listen by phone. Skype can also be used. The link is good for BOTH live show & to hear the On Demand recorded version anytime after. New show every Wed Nite!