A promising young student is cut down by manic depression. Soon after, his car is T-boned by a tractor trailer in a snowy highway collision, making his existing instability many times worse. His marriage with a Russian wife comes under unbearable strain. How he emerges from all this to return to normal life is the exciting story of Broken Mind, Persistent Hope. Author and survivor, Thomas Hartmann will be my guest, sharing his exceptional experience. For more information see www.healingminefield.com
When Life Happens …
“The best laid plans of mice and men oft go astray.” John Steinbeck
No matter how well you plan something, always expect the unexpected. Just because you think you’ve done all you can for something to go as planned, doesn’t guarantee that will be the outcome. Do you have a “Plan B”?
Israeli Dr Researching New TBI Drug
Dr. Adrian Harel, is owner and president of MediCortex, operating in Israel and the US. Now in the R&D stage, the company’s goal is to bring a new multifunctional drug or innovative treatment to the market that will prevent or reduce secondary accelerated symptoms of traumatic brain injury and neurological dysfunction. Dr. Harel was educated primarily in Israel, earning advanced degrees in both Neurobiology and Business. He has worked in the field of Biotechnologies and Stem Based Therapies for over a decade. New research shows that a traumatic brain injury, even a mild one, can trigger an earlier onset of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease. To date, there is no drug designed specifically to treat TBI. See www.medicortex.com
Musical Therapy For the Soul
Tonight we’ll talk about the therapeutic effect that music has, listen to some great Indy Artists, and hear your experience with music as a cathartic tool of recovery. Call in and discuss your thoughts about music, what music stirs inside your soul, and have some fun. After all, it’s Saturday Night! 🙂 If you’re around, “Let’s Party”! Come and hang out, call in, or tune in and enjoy! Open mic discussion about your brain injury journey, along with very few pearls of wisdom from your host. 🙂 Tonight’s host is Kim Justus, regular Wednesday night host… Ready to jam into the weekend. Bring your dancing shoes. Oh yea!
Survivor Guide for Life After Brain Injury
My guest tonight on Recovery Now, is Barbara J. Webster, author of Lost and Found, A Survivor’s Guide for Reconstructing Life After a Brain Injury, available through Lash Publishing.
In 1991, Barbara suffered a TBI when her car skidded off a slippery road and was totaled. Like so many others, she was not diagnosed properly and suffered the ills of too many survivors. We will travel through her journey as a brain thriver, as well as her involvement in facilitating the Brain Injury Survivor Support group in Framington since 1995. She also works part time for the Brain Injury Support Association of Massachusetts assisting other support groups, and will discuss the importance of support of like minded people in recovery.
New Year, New Beginnings
I will be discussing New Year, New Beginnings. Not big on resolutions…More like letting go of old nonproductive thinking, and embracing a new positive focus for change in 2014. Bite size pieces, obtainable to all in recovery.
Will be introducing a new host beginning January 11th & then the 2nd Saturday of each month, Michele Jones. Her show will be called Brain Changers. Her show is for Brain Aneurysm/AVM Survivors, their families, caregivers, and for people who just want to know. This show is to inspire and encourage others to grow, learn, and be apart of living with a brain injury. Stop by the beginning of the show to meet her!