Life Losses and Grief

Janelle Breese Biagioni, RPC is an author, speaker, and counsellor with expertise in grief, loss, life transitions and brain injury. Janelle has significant experience with brain injury in her family and she has worked for the last decade as Editor of Headline Magazine and with The Cridge Centre for the Family Brain Injury Services providing community service.

She is the author of A Change of Mind: One Family’s Journey through Brain Injury and the upcoming book, Life Losses: Healing for a Broken Heart and a contributor to Brain Injury Journey – Hope, Help, Healing.

Parkinson’s Disease After Brain Trauma

My guest tonight is Dr. Robert Kuvent, who spent his career as an accomplished foot and ankle surgeon. He’s served in at least nine Podiatric professional affiliations, and held positions in sixteen varied service organizations. To say he was a “Type A” personality, with an exceptionally busy life is an understatement. Then things changed, when his life was turned upside down with a disconcerting diagnosis. PD, like most other disabling conditions, not only takes a toll on the patient…But their family as well.

Dr. Kuvent will be the host of a program called “Shaken Not Stirred” about PD, in our new line up of two hour programs starting in August. He will be on every other Wednesday night to help raise awareness and hope for those whose lives have been touched by Parkinson’s.

Most sources now acknowledge that PD can become a long term effect of people who have suffered previous brain trauma, like the CDC and NIH.

Kim in for FF..Rolling the Dice With Ken Collins

Fantastic Frank will be away again. This time he is out in LAS VEGAS attending a Celebrity Launch Paid event hosted by CLINT ARTHUR..

So once again he has asked the Wednesday night BTR host to fill in for him, the GREAT and BEAUTIFUL KIM JUSTUS. who will be doing something very special. She just don’t know it yet.

So be sure that you tune in to her what she has planned.


This is Kim. I didn’t write that, Frank did. 🙂 I will say, thank you to Ken Collins for joining me as my guest tonight, and all the folks who participated in the show. Blessings.

Relationships and Disability

My guest tonight is Al Condeluci, PhD. He is CEO of UCP/CLASS, a community based support system for folks with all types of disabilities in Pittsburgh, PA. He holds an MSW and PhD from the University of Pittsburgh, where he is on faculty in the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences and the School of Social Work. He has authored 7 books, including the acclaimed, Interdependence: The Route to Community (1991) and the newly released, Together is Better (2009).

We will be discussing relationships, and the impact that having a disability can have on them.

Rocking and Rapping with LesPaul & Kim

Tonight join Les Paul Morgan and Kim Justus of Brain Inury Radio. We will be filling in for Keith who is having problems with strained vocal chords but he will becalling in if possible.

We’re also pinch hitting for our “Brain Buck” gals Penny & Cathy, They will be back for their regularly scheduled show.

Keith Anthony’s TBI story and NDE is remarkable. Diagnosed in a permanent vegetative state he was not anticipated to last the first night yet he went on by sheer power of his incredible mind to overcome permanent paralysis even becoming a master hypnotist.


My guest tonight is David A. Grant. David is a writer based in New Hampshire and the author of Metamorphosis, Surviving Brain Injury. A survivor of a harrowing cycling accident in 2010, David openly shares his experience, strength and hope as a brain injury survivor. Recently recognized by the Brain Injury Association of America, David’s book offers real-world insight into life as a brain injury survivor. He is also a contributing writer for the Brain Journey Magazine by Lash Publishing (