Join Kim and Simon as we wind up Brain Injury Awareness Month. We survivors never really “wind up” Brain Injury Awareness Month, because for many of us the saga continues for life. We’ll be talking about what Awareness Month means to us, new beginnings after Brain Injury, and whatever may strike our fancy as hopefully we’re closer to Spring in the air .. Time of renewal, hope, and positive change.
Transitions Between Life and Death
A Nurse’s Education About Life and Death, Becki Hawkins started as a nurse’s aide in 1971, became a registered nurse, and worked in oncology, hospice, and home health/hospice care. She later became a hospice chaplin and hospice volunteer. She retired from nursing and lives with her husband in Oklahoma.
Becki is now a speaker who shares her experience with hospice and oncology professionals nationwide. She continues to write her column and is working on her second book. She still visits patients on occasion, as a friend. Reach her at: – Be SURE to view her YouTube – Search- Nurse Becki Hawkins Transitions.
Men Against Domestic Violence
Charles Venditte, is Co-Founder and Chair or the Men Against Domestic Violence Action Coalition (MADVAC). He is a retired Sergeant of the Omaha Police Department, where he supervised the Omaha Police Domestic Violence Investigations Unit from 1997-2013. He is currently an Investigator with the Douglas County Attorney’s Office.
Bobby Brumfield is Co-Founder and Governing Chair of the the Men Against Domestic Violence Action Coalition (MADVAC). He is a former Omaha Police Detective and currently works as a Partner with a Crisis Management Advisory Firm, specializing in Workplace Violence.
Nothing About Us Without Us? Really?
Where better to visit in Brain Injury Awareness Month than a Brain Injury Support Group? The “Coffee Club: Support Group Goes Wild! 🙂
A support group provides validation, advocacy, awareness, and of course .. Support. What are some elements that make a support group successful, and what things tear them apart?
What other organizations have helped survivors, and which have failed them? What other treatments and sources of information have helped, and what issues have hurt? Thought it a good idea to hear from survivors themselves, the issues and challenges faced – And the new doors that can open along the way.