Recovery Now with Kim & Caren on AutoImmune Disorders and TBI

#inaflash We’ve heard reference to “People with Underlying Conditions” Being More Susceptible to Covid & Other Complications. Did you know there are more than 80 Autoimmune Disorders??

WED, June 9th join us to discuss what Autoimmune Disorders are, how they manifest, and what can be done to strengthen the Immune Response.

The Opening will discuss Advocacy and Helping Defeat the Ignorance associated with brain injuries recently displayed in the news and social media. You may just want to weigh in and make your voice heard in any number of ways, if you are also offended. Bring the LONG Bus ..

To Access 7pm PAC/10pm EST Call 424-243-9540 or Click Link Below for Both Live and Afterward On Demand Program

Recovery Now with Kim & Caren on AutoImmune Disorders and TBI

Off the Grid

#inaflash Tonight’s Episode is called Off the Grid – Sometimes Life’s Curve Balls Just Drive You Down the Rabbit Hole. That would be me .. And Perhaps You? Join me in an Open Mic Night, to talk about your trials, successes, challenges, or just to catch up. 🙂

To Access 7pm PAC/10pm EST Call 424-243-9540 or Click Link Below for Both Live and Afterward, On Demand Episode –

Off the Grid