Shock the Monkey

More will be revealed! What is YOUR take on Shock the Monkey? If you are drawing a blank, you’ll leave this show with a new awareness. Authority figures direct others to “shock the monkey” (Many cases that’s you), and no matter how much remorse, fear, reluctance, anxiety demonstrated in doing so for those that hold the trigger .. Studies show, the effects of human nature even against will, cause the majority to continue to shocking the monkey .. To death if directed to do so. Think SSI/SSDI, Big Pharma, Societal and personal attitudes about disability, etc.

Brain, Drain, Refrain .. Making me insane! Join me on the crazy train, for music, your peeps, and to help me entertain. Be a monkey or bring one!

From Stressed to Centered

As your stress increases, the first thing to go is often what would help the most – your self-care. If you’re feeling more tired, overwhelmed, distracted, or overextended lately, there is a simple first step on the journey to feeling better: read From Stressed to Centered: A Practical Guide to a Healthier and Happier You. A practical and inspirational book, From Stressed to Centered offers a uniquely comprehensive approach to stress management and self-care by helping you understand and tackle your stress at all levels. It covers the trifecta of stress – assessment, management and future prevention!

Written by Dana Gionta, Ph.D. and Dan Guerra, Psy.D., two experts with over 30 years of combined experience, this groundbreaking book is solidly based on science and utilizes anecdotes, exercises, and practical strategies to help you:

Assess your current level of stress

Build up your resistance to future stress

Develop a lifestyle program of guilt-free self-care

Live a healthier and more fulfilling life

Filling In with a Smile…Kim J sitting in for Matt Duffin

With regular host Matt Duffin out on sick leave for a spell .. We wish him a speedy recovery, and to regain his good health and humor. Thought you would be listening to a tape tonight, but just realizing one wasn’t loaded .. You get open mic and music! Bring your troubles, come on get happy… Join us for a spur of the moment fling, hoping for an early spring. 🙂 Kim Justus for Matt

Healing at the Speed of Sound

Alex Doman is founder and CEO of Advanced Brain Technologies, founder of Sleep Genius, and bestselling co-author of Healing at the Speed of Sound®.

The third generation in a family of pioneers in the field of child and human brain development and rehabilitation, Alex has focused his career on sound, music, and technology and their capacity to improve brain health and performance. His production credits include; co-producer of Music for Healing at the Speed of Sound™, Music for Babies™, and inTime™; executive producer, creator, or collaborator on numerous other music projects, products, and technologies including; Spatial Surround®, Sound Health®, Music for the Mind™, BrainBuilder®, The Listening Program®, Waves™ multi-sensory audio system, TLP Online, and Sleep Genius mobile apps. See or

Funky Friday Let’s Get it On! Music & Chat with Kim :)

Kevin and Maggy are off to a new support meeting tonight, so rather than a tape .. We’ll have a live show, with the topic of your choice. Supplemented of course, by some great Indie Music .. Much of which is from survivors themselves! Hope you’ll join me for good time tonight, as we explore what happens at the last minute together! Hosted by Kim Justus tonight for Kevin Phillips & Maggy too 🙂

“Be Positive” with Shannon Marie and Kim ~ Two Blondes with TBI

Please join Shannon Marie this Saturday night for a dose of positive attitude!!! Tonight we are blessed to have the chick who does most of the heavy lifting on Brain Injury Radio Network. Kim will tell us her story of survival after overcoming the effects of an aneurysm. Of course we will be rocking and rolling with the tunes from Jimmy G Worship, Nate Leslie, and the Mojave Lords!!!

Scatterbrained? Minimize the Effects: Dr. Maria

My guest tonight is regular contributor Dr. Maria Romanas. Find her motivation at or where you can download a free help manual.

Brain injury survivors often appear to be “scatterbrained” to their families and employers. The injury has damaged their information processing and management pathways in a permanent manner.

Decades of research have shown that the most effective way to manage this problem is to develop an external organizational system that is specifically tailored to the survivor and their lifestyle. No amount of mental exercise will do the trick.

More importantly, commitment to use the organizational system in a systematic and habitual manner is necessary for the survivor to regain consistency, dependability, and independence in their everyday functioning as adults, friends, parents, and employees.

This show is a gathering place for anyone seeking recovery from the challenges of life on life’s terms. I introduce topics, and survivor’s share their experience, strength and hope. We discuss useful tools that have helped us lighten the load, of our journey through recovery.