Simon Says: Invisible Environmental Threats

A few weeks ago, my show discussed the Acoustic TBI, a topic you seldom hear about. There was a lot of interest expressed, so I got to thinking about other environmental threats to our bodies and brains. Immediately I recalled the weaponized microwave attack to a US Embassy, causing many severe TBI’s. No one saw it coming. We have a lot of great technology like cells, 5G Towers, Microwave ovens, Bluetooth devices, smart watches, windmill farms .. Some for convenience and changing times, and some seeking “green”. We have heard a lot about the pros, and these things aren’t going away .. But what are the trade-offs possibly effecting our health? Simon and I will be discussing this, to raise awareness but also in hopes of finding ways to mitigate any damage that can be done.

Compassion Heals with “Patient Lee”

The life mission of Lee Tomlinson – also known as “Patient Lee” — is to inspire healthcare professionals to return compassionate care to its rightful place at the forefront of modern healthcare – to benefit patients, their families; and they’re often suffering, “burned-out” selves. Award-winning television producer, movie studio executive and owner, former professional athlete, speaker and TED Talk presenter, “Patient Lee” is alive today due to the combination of a lifetime of extraordinarily effective medical treatment and deeply kind, compassionate care. During a battle with Stage 3+ cancer, “Patient Lee” became painfully aware of the trauma caused by treatment lacking in compassion that drove him to the darkest of depths. What saved him from suicide was a simple, yet powerful act of compassion delivered by a loving doctor and friend. With new purpose, “Patient Lee” created the Compassion Heals Movement, which is designed to reconnect America’s 20 million healthcare professionals with the compassion that got them into healthcare in the first place. Then deal with the “burn-out” that affects over 60% of these vital caretakers, rendering them unable to provide compassion to their patients, themselves, or anyone else. Once healed of their own distress, to reignite these dedicated professionals. Lee has told his story on more than 200 stages around the world, wearing nothing but a hospital gown. Presented with his unique mixture of humor, compassion, urgency, encouragement, “Patient Lee” is making a difference in restoring compassion to healthcare. Finding this mission wasn’t easy, which he discusses in his book Compassion Heals – From Self Care to Health Care.

Hope TBI on Recovery Now with Caren and Kim

Kim and Co-Host Caren Robinson will be discussing Blast Injury and Acoustic TBI. We think of Blast Injury in terms of our Veterans .. At least that’s where most of us became aware of the term. Many have never heard of Acoustic TBI. These injuries are not veteran exclusive. Tune in tonight and hear how these types may be effecting you or your loved one(s).

From Cradle to Grave and Back

My guest tonight is Ian (Powell) McCullum, author of From Grave to Cradle to Now -The Health Care Professional Edition. The book is a father’s account of his families journey with a traumatically brain injured son, who they were told would die imminently. Written by a health care neophyte, with the assistance of health care professionals, the book addresses—separately and together—both families and more information.