Slice of Life with David Grant

David A. Grant is a freelance writer and traumatic brain injury survivor. He is the author of Metamorphosis, Surviving Brain Injury, a book that chronicles in exquisite detail the first year-and-a-half of his new life as a brain injury survivor. His newest title, Slices of Life after Traumatic Brain Injury, was recently released.

David is a regular contributing writer to, a PBS sponsored website. He is also regular contributing writer to Brain Injury Journey Magazine as well as a columnist in HEADWAY, the Brain Injury Association of New Hampshire’s periodic newsletter.

David is the founder of TBI Hope and Inspiration, a Facebook community with over 13,000 members including survivors, family members, caregivers as well as members of the medical and professional community. See more at: and his Blog at:

Intro’s & Changes on Special Thurs Edition

My guest tonight will give you an opportunity to meet a new host for part of the third Thursday of each month. Her name is Amy Eidenmiller, who survived a car accident in 1997, where she suffered a substantial brain injury, and then in 2004 developed meningitis. Her show will be called Heroes in Disguise. Amy’s journey, like many of us, has been long and tenuous. She will tell the story of the circumstances of her “Intro to the Brain Injury Community”, and how she has become a thriver .. Not just a survivor.

Join me in greeting Amy and welcoming her to Brain Injury Radio! Afterward we will have some open mic & tunes. Good night to call in and share what’s on your mind. Will also discuss some of the changes in scheduling for our BIRN lineup!

Gridiron Gladiators, NFL Visger; Tragedy of Vet & Player Ranson

Todd Trigstead will be discussing his movie Gridiron Gladiators:The History and Uncertain Future of American Football, which can be streamed from

Former NFL NY Jets & 49er’s player, George Visger will tell us about a Draft Day fund raiser for local Marine/football player Dondre Ranson on May 29th ( Dondre served our country honorably in active duty in Iraq only to suffer a concussion last spring playing for the Sacramento semi pro football team. He’s been on life support since His wife who served honorably in Afganistan, also suffered a head injury from which she is in rehab. Visger suffered several undiagnosed concussions, and then during the following 81 Super Bowl season, he developed hydrocephalus at age 22 undergoing 3 emergency VP shunt brain surgeries in 8 months and was given last rites. Several subsequent surgeries and 34yrs later, George is still feeling the effects. He knows how brain injury can decimate a family. See

Experience Speaks It’s Truth

Dale Johanne’s injury was the result of a car accident in which he had several serious injuries, but the worst thing that happened was the fact that he suffered a TBI. Because of the brain injury, he was unable to speak for 6 weeks after the accident. When able to speak again, he had the maturity level of a second grader and he was 17. The accident occurred 27 years ago which allows him a perspective that few others can offer in reference to life with brain injury. Roughly a year and a half after the accident Dale was fortunate to be able to go onto, and graduate from college. Since then he has worked extensively with individuals who have suffered Brain Injury.

The BIG Ten and Vital Superheroes

Gary and I are celebrating our 10th Anniversary for a few days off the grid! We were married 05-05-05 at 5:00pm, so I’d be able to remember our anniversary! Miracles DO happen. 🙂

Will be back live next week, but tonight we’ll hear a spotlight on Mikal Vega. A hero in real life as a member of Team 6 Navy Seals while in the sandbox, and now on TV, Internet and the Big Screen! Check out Mikal Vega “Black” on YouTube, to see him in a little mini series. Money from his media superheroes, goes to fund his non profit, Vital Warrier .. Which helps Veteran’s treat their PTSD/TBI with more holistic, integrative alternatives. As the massive over medicating of active duty personnel, Veterans and others…Is Big Pharma madness, and in an effort to be rid of it .. His ideas apply to everyone, not just the military. You’ll find his story fascinating. Listen in, and then Visit www