Celebrated Musician speaks on music as self care!!

Bill Protzmann is a man on a mission: to raise awareness of the power of music as self care.

On Memorial Day weekend 2007 Protzmann premiered a new version of his one man show, Connected!, with a focus on using music as a self intervention tool for issues related to military service. In 2011, he launched Music Care Inc, a for profit corporation dedicated to providing education in music as adjunct treatment for post traumatic stress, depression, and anxiety.

Bill holds magna cum laude degrees in piano performance and creative writing, and has concertized and performed for many years with a focus on bringing music to audiences in non-traditional ways. His recording of “Amazing Grace” topped the mp3.com charts in July of 2000, and he has released two all-original CDs. He has performed and worked with opera stars, poets, Dixieland, jazz, rock and pop tribute bands, in musical theatre, and as a solo concert pianist and entertainer.

Shooting Stars Take Aim at Bullying

Manny Capozzi is Guitar/Singer/Songwriter for the Chicago based band Mister E. Machine. They recently mounted a successful Kickstarter campaign to highlight and raise awareness on anti bullying by producing a video. He and producer Chuck Harling have combined forces to complete the band’s debut EP Shooting Stars, featuring the single RosaMarie, the anthem for their anti bullying, Indie rock album. Tonight Manny will share his experience, strength and hope as he discusses his own personal challenges with bullying, and the person he credits from bringing him back from the brink. This is a hot, compassionate acoustic rock band with a positive message, and activism designed to pay it forward. Find out more at misteremachine.com & on FB at misteremachinemusic

Life After Trauma; Reclaim Your Identity

My guest tonight, Michele Rosenthal is an award-winning PTSD blogger, award-nominated author, founder of HealMyPTSD.com, post-trauma coach, host of Changing Direction radio and author of Your Life After Trauma: Powerful Practices to Reclaim Your Identity. She is also a trauma survivor who struggled with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for over twenty-five years before launching a successful “healing rampage.” Michele has been 100% free of PTSD symptoms for several years. Award-Nominated Author, Speaker, Post-Trauma Coach. Founder, www.HealMyPTSD.com ; Radio Host, CHANGING DIRECTION ; Author, Your Life After Trauma: Powerful Practices To Reclaim Your Identity

Friday the 13th with Kim .. Late Show for the Superstitious, or Not So Much…

Technical error caused Kevin’s show tape to not fire earlier, so we had no live show tonight … Not the luck of the Irish, but perhaps the supposed curse of Friday the 13th? O: Night owls join me for some live music and chat. Kevin will be back in person next week, but tonight you still have a chance to party live this Freaky Friday! I have some secrets about Friday the 13th that have actually made it a lucky day for me. 🙂 Just hanging tonight? Stop in and join me.

NeuroConnect on Cognitive Rehab

Sarah Palmer is the director of NeuroConnect and is passionate about helping improve the lives of people living with brain injury.

While starting undergraduate studies, Sarah’s grandfather sustained a brain injury which, according to doctors, resulted in Alzheimer’s disease. Having experienced the mistakes made by families unknowing about legal issues and rehabilitation, Sarah has become passionate about rehabilitation and the education of families through NeuroConnect Magazine and other initiatives.

Since her personal experience with brain injury, Sarah has completed her BA in Psychology and her Master’s degree in Counseling, specializing in Behavioural Neuroscience. She continues her work with NeuroConnect as well as provides Cognitive Rehabilitation services and co-owns Barron Dacey Nursing & Home Care, which provides attendant care and nursing services in Ontario. For a free subscription to NeuroConnect see www.neuroconnect.ca

Life on the Other Side if you Never Give Up

Cameron had a life-altering stroke March 21st 2012, the day after her 52nd birthday. After extensive rehab she returned to work, but now, part time. The death & rebirth of her old self, has been a journey of faith, never giving up, & some good old humor. It’s also helped to get involved with serving others. Cam facilitates a stroke support group, worked on a stroke walk, has 3 FB pages relate to stroke (Second Chance Stroke Survivors, Thriving Stroke Survivors, Miracles in Progress Stroke Support). She wants every survivor to know, you don’t need to sit at home. There are things you can do to help yourself. Get out! It doesn’t matter what you do. Join a support group, it’s the best free thing you could ever do. Seek new hobbies. When she looks back to where she started & what she’s become, she’s got a life worth living. So take the word can’t out of your vocabulary & make every day matter.