Transform Your Communication Skills

Hank Wallace will show you how to be “concise as news, precise as law.” Hank leads the seminar Write & Speak Like the News: 9 Journalism Skills to Transform Your Communication Skills. He was a reporter for New Jersey’s Middletown Courier and Red Bank Daily Register, he wrote the FCC’s plain-language newsletter and he’s a graduate of Columbia Law School.

War in the Hearts of Men

Eli Coberly is a world traveler and seeker of truth through adventure. At seventeen fulfilled his dream, becoming an Army paratrooper. At twenty, he was honorably discharged and began his search for a new dream. Eli’s writing has taken him worldwide to explore a few of the bigger questions of our human existence, and his prophetic worldview combines military service, counterculture, and the anthropology and archeology of the world’s religious symbols. He has studied the migration of the indigenous and ingested their medicine, absorbed their art, and embodied their cosmovision. In War in the Hearts of Men, Eli’s book, he details his lifelong quest to understand the Maya culture and its impact on the present. He shares his discovery of artistry of stone-carved symbols on the heels of his extensive travels to Central and South America. Coberly contrasts contemporary life with the past as he explores spiritual rituals that formed the framework of the ancient Maya culture. War in the Hearts of Men, which identifies and interprets the historical ideologies that suppressed the feminine, displayed the cultural imbalances caused by rampant colonialism, and resulted in the subjugation of Native populations over many centuries, furthers the journey onward for enlightenment sought by those wise enough to learn from the past.