Ashley Murray, OTD earned her Doctorate in Occupational Therapy. A member of the QLI therapy team since 2010, Ashley has extensive clinical expertise in the area of traumatic brain and spinal cord injury. She has presented around the nation on topics relating to neuro-rehabilitation and quality of life. QLI, with their proprietary Tri-Dimensional Rehabilitation® program has become one of the nation’s premier post-hospital centers for brain and spinal cord injury rehabilitation by embracing the concept that great rehabilitation is more than just the science of physical recovery – it is the art of rebuilding a life. See
TBI, PTSD, and Hormone Dysfunction Syndrome
Dr. Gordon has been a strong advocate of Integrative Medicine and the promotion of preventive medicine thought to correct underlying hormonal deficiencies. He was instrumental in promoting the recognition of Traumatic Brain Injury as a cause of hormonal deficiency in the hallmarked presentation on ESPN’s Outside the Lines (Jan. 2007). His book, The Clinical Application of Interventional Medicine (2008), is recognized by his peers as a primer for the standards of care and assessment for interventional endocrinology. As Medical Director of CBS Studios, he has participated on projects with HBO, ESPN, CNN, FOX, Good Morning, the Dr Drew Show, and a number of international programs. His list of academic credentials is lengthy and will be provided in the intro. Dr. Gordon works with veterans groups providing full and partial funding for those with injuries received while in the theater of war. Dr. Gordon is owner and Medical Director of Millennium-TBI Network, located in Encino California. See and
While Craig’s Away, the Brain Injured Shall Play
While Craig and many listeners are away at Brain Injury Camp in Washington State, those of us not fortunate enough to make it .. Will borrow his slot for some open Mic and fine tunes.
Hope for the Lost Generation
Jessi Johnson AKA Diligence was born in Michigan. At the age of five he was introduced to alcohol and inappropriate sexual behavior. At the age of 12 being raised without a father and no direction in life, Diligence joined a nationwide gang for money, respect, acceptance and power. At the age of 17 Diligence ended up homeless on the streets of Detroit after being robbed by gang members. He ended up in Florida where he continued a life that eventually brought him in front of the court facing a life sentence at age 20. That’s where the miracles started happening, but as a result, he knew he needed to denounce his gang and suffer the consequences. Diligence was brutally beaten by his own gang, sustaining head injury and much more. He was pronounced dead on arrival as the ambulance reached the hospital. Diligence’s assignment now, is to seek and save that which is spiritually lost through the vehicle of gospel rap, worship music and spoken word poetry. God gave him the gift of a transformed, See more at:
America’s Mighty Warriors
Debbie Lee is an author, public speaker and political activist who has traveled the nation telling her sons amazing story and advocating for our troops, their families and families of the fallen. Debbie understands the sacrifice our troops make and that “Freedom isn’t Free.” On Aug 2, 2006 she received a knock on the door that would forever change her life. She was notified that her son Marc Alan Lee had been killed in action becoming the first Navy SEAL killed in Iraq. Since that day Debbie has dedicated her life to honoring our troops and the families of the fallen, defending our defenders and fighting to keep the freedoms that our troops have fought for.