The Joy Strategist

My guest tonight will be MarBeth Dunn. MarBeth is a master of energy and the subtle realities, a spiritual teacher for the past 25 years, and a Kundalini Yoga instructor and empowerment coach. She helps people release their hurts, losses, limiting beliefs, and energetic blockages, quickly and easily, and shows them how to effectively use the laws of the Universe to create a new reality.

MarBeth is a popular international speaker, workshop leader, and radio talk show host. Her work has helped people all over the world. She can be heard weekly on The Great Metamorphosis on the Law of Attraction Radio Network. For more information, visit her website at:


My guest tonight is one of the generous composers who have allowed us to play his original music on Brain Injury Radio. I didn’t know when we connected, that fate would have an even deeper reason to connect him here. Listen to Dale Haye’s story about his wife’s double aneurysm, the ruthless insurance maze, and the tragic outcome that was produced. It could happen to any of us, and it’s sinful.

Transformational Awareness

My guest tonight has been a regular Brain Injury Radio listener for quite some time. Had Walmer, (Yes, we’ll hear the story behind the name!) is a long time TBI survivor, who has made meditation a large part of his recovery. We’ve all heard that meditation is a useful tool in recovery, but many of us have trouble focusing long enough to get the job done, or simply don’t know how to start. Tonight Had will enlighten us, and we’ll also be hearing from his wife Faith. She’s a strong advocate in her own right, when it comes to family, friends and recovery.

Many of you have heard BIR host Kathy, creator of the “Bionic Brain” speak. Had, is an actual user of the Bionic Brain, and will share his positive experience.

Peter Hoecherl

My guest tonight is multiple TBI survivor Peter Hoecherl. He’s a newcomer to Brain Injury Radio, but is no stranger to the trials of brain injury, having survived five incidences of brain trauma himself. Peter, like many of us, went a long time maneuvering the challenges of recovery on his own. Finally with the help of Dr. John Nash, he’s had great success using EEG Neurotherapy. Nash’s practice, Behavioral Medicine Associates, promotes the use of Cognitive/Perceptual Training and Biofeedback in place of, or in conjunction with, RX Drugs.

We will be hearing about the history of Peter’s brain injury’s, his personal struggles, and the success he’s finally achieved in recovery.