Simon and Kim will be joined by two special guests! Do you have dreams, goals, wishes – But never thought you could make them come to fruition? These stories may just give you the push you need. Tyler Ornstein & The Empowering Story of Tyler’s Coffee! Had he never tried his wish may have never come true. The World’s First ACID FREE Coffee—Inspired by a 5-Year-Old & Brought to Market by a 16yr old! Proprietary Z-Roasting Organic Process Eliminates Indigestion, Bloating, Heartburn & Tooth Decay! Breakthrough was rescheduled for the 2nd hour of the 12/2 show! See: Ryan Pettit has several members of his family who served in the military. He saw a need, and set his plan in motion. Covid-19 lockdowns across the US have left members of veteran residencies isolated…void of the activities and visits they are accustomed to. By writing a letter to a veteran, you enable them to feel connected to the outside world. Ryan, a 17yr old high school student created a way to do just that. As we enter the holidays, a few minutes of your time can make a huge impact.
Reclaim Your Life with Dane Stevens
Dane Stevens is an author, speaker and facilitator. He is the developer of the Neuro Trauma Healing Process (NTHP) and the Soul Re-Cognition Process (SRC). Healing modalities that were developed out of sheer necessity as he had his nervous system seriously compromised by a well-meaning therapist who tried to force a child-hood trauma out him. It left him in a state of constant anxiety and turned his life into complete shambles, leaving him homeless,afraid and out-of-control. It took him five years to understand what had happened to him and another year to discover what would give him relief and give him his life back. The result of that five-year-search is the Neuro Trauma Healing Process (NTHP.) Dane now lives very happily in the interior of British Columbia with his life partner Anne. They now teach the Neuro Trauma Healing Process to those in need of healing and those wanting to get trained in this profound new process. Dane feels incredibly lucky to have come through what he has and blessed to have discovered this process that brought deep peace, connection and fulfillment into his life. He now feels a sense of duty to pass this valuable information on to others.
Honoring Our Veterans with Beau Hendricks
Caren and Kim will recognize Veterans Day – Thanks to all our Veterans for your sacrifice and service, and that of your family .. Freedom is Never Free. Our guest tonight is Veteran, Beau Hendricks. Beau joined the Navy after high school and retired from the military as a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army in 2019. In 2007 he was critically injured in Iraq by a rocket blast. He spent several years on active duty still serving, while recovering from hisTBI, and multiple other bodily injuries. After retiring, Beau has decided to go into coaching resilience.
Tranforming Healthcare to HealthCaring with Tom Dahlborg
With well over thirty-five years of extensive healthcare leadership experience, Tom Dahlborg is a voice for relationship centered and compassionate care, servant leadership and quality and systems improvement. His latest release From Heart to Head & Back Again .. A Journey Through the Healthcare System offers insight into the transformation. An author, leader and advisor, he is also an internationally recognized speaker and writer with an expertise in healthCARING models, heart and mind communication, courageous vulnerability, systems thinking and improvement, stopping bullying, adverse childhood experiences (ACES) and bringing “love in action” to all we do. He is a father, husband and coach. A coach to healthcare leaders. And a coach to young men. Tom has written the book, The Big Kid and Basketball .. and the lessons he taught his Father and Coach, where he shares stories of bullying, resiliency, parenting, coaching, faith, family and love. He is also a contributor to the books, Bullied Back to Life, focusing on how victims of bullying have used their experiences to fuel their success, and how you can too – Also to the book, Highway to Heart, Humor, and Honesty in Healthcare, a book for healthcare providers, patients, and family members who desire to understand how to better connect with one another. Tom believes at the end of the day it is all about impact.