Dr. Maria Romanas is a fellow survivor of a borderline severe brain injury due to a rollover car accident at age 18. Despite being discharged with no inpatient or outpatient cognitive therapy, she was able to go to college then medical/graduate school (MD/PhD). Like many survivors she was not aware of her own cognitive impairment. In 2013 (29 years after the injury), she finally went through an 8-week cognitive rehabilitation program that taught her how to observe that dysfunctions that resulted from her trying to use her brain the normal way. She learned to implement compensation strategies to prevent disabled functioning and optimize her own recovery. She became her own self-therapist. Although she works full-time as a hospital pathologist, her life’s goal is to advocate for other survivors to receive the cognitive rehabilitation therapy and to teach principles of self-therapy so that hey can maximize their own recoveries. Tonight’s discussion will focus on Social Perception and Brain Injury.
Simon Says: Where Are We Now and What’s Next?
We’ve all been through a lot more stress than we bargained for the past two years. Between politics and the Virus (no matter what side of the fence you’re on) .. There has been a prolonged stressful undercurrent, along with our other personal stressful issues. This layering effect of stress has caused increases in mental health issues, physical health issues that hadn’t manifest before, and generally compounded anything going on in our lives we’ve deemed to cause stress. Needless to say relentless stress is not a good thing. We can’t change external circumstances, but as the New Year has rolled in, perhaps we can orchestrate a new beginning which doesn’t necessarily change reality, but our perception of it. Reminder – 4 “Free” Covid Tests Per Address at covidtests.gov – Easy sign up & you’ve really already paid for them. Encourage you to write for yours. They will come through US Postal Service.
Inspiring Impossible Transformation
Jennifer Kauffman is the Director and Producer of the transformational movie, There’s Got To Be More To Life, based on a true story of Jen’s journey of rising up from terrorism and childhood traumas where she went from barely surviving to thriving. She’s an Executive Producer of 2 Emmy and Telly award winning films, A New Leash on Life: The K9’s for Warriors Story and Freedom Isn’t Free: The Folds of Honor Story. She’s an inspirational speaker, best-selling author, award-winning results coach and founder of The Rise & Thrive Movement. Through Transformational Movies, Jen is on a mission to inspire, encourage and empower people to rise despite seemingly impossible situations, transforming their trauma, enabling them to rise and thrive to live their best life.
Kim & Caren Discuss Brain Fundamentals 101
im Justus & 2nd Wed of each month co-host, Caren Robinson will lead a discussion on Fundamentals of the Brain 101. Callers welcome. Much like each computer has a Motherboard (The motherboard isthe backbone that ties the computer’s components together at one spot and allows them to talk to each other. Without it, none of the computer pieces, could interact.) Similarly, the Brain acts as the Motherboard for the body. When it malfunctions, the brain components, and indeed many times other parts of the body stop running in synch. Brain Injury feels like we’ve been hijacked by malicious software, or a breakdown of key hardware components. All systems are not GO, and we suffer brain interruption. Tonight we’ll discuss brain basics, what each section corresponds to, and how injury can interrupt the entire bodily system.
Attracting Abundance Through Numbers
You’ve heard of numerology, the study of the influence of numbers on your life and destiny. But chances are you’ve never heard about ASTRONUMEROLOGY! That’s because it’s the discovery of Jesse Kalsi, a world-renowned counselor sought out by Hollywood stars, SiliconValley billionaires, real estate moguls, entertainment companies and people just like you. See how you can attract love, abundance and joy based on your numbers .. Be it your address, birthdate, or other personal numbers. A successful real estate broker by trade, Jesse is also a Certified Federal Aviation Administration Flight Instructor and holds a commercial pilot’s license. Born in India where he was attended India’s equivalent of West Point, and intended to make a career in the army, he was informed of his true life purpose and resigned from the military to pursue helping people through his unique gifts, understandings and perspective of numerology.