Simon Says: Where Are We Now and What’s Next?

#inaflash Simon Says: How do we temper relentless Stress, especially as it’s been layering up the past couple of years? Join Kim and Simon on Wednesday, Jan 26th to discuss. Feel free to call and share what you have found helpful to mitigate stressors!

To Access: 7pm PAC/10pm EST Call 424-243-9540 or Click Link Below to Access Both Live, and Afterward On Demand Program

Simon Says: Where Are We Now and What’s Next?

Kim & Caren Discuss Brain Fundamentals 101

#inaflash Join Kim & Caren for a Discussion on Fundamentals of the Brain 101 – What They Are, How They Work, Implications of Damage to Working Parts, Impact on the Entire Body, and More! Happy New Year – First month – Good Time to Review, or Reveal the Components of the System, and Impacts when Interrupted.

To Access:  Wed, Jan 12th  7pm PAC/10pm EST  Call 424-243-9540 or Click Link Below for Both Live, and Afterward On Demand Program

Kim & Caren Discuss Brain Fundamentals 101