Dillon Tyler Van

Wendy “Yaya”, her daughter Melissa and her two sons Dillon (12) and Tyler (10). They both have a terminal illness. With surgeries and proper medical care they can be expected to live into their 20s. After they were diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and are the 2015 NE MDA Ambassadors. Their house burned down in CO. They returned to Omaha and are now both confined to wheelchairs. In the brutal climate of the midwest, a critical need has come up and we hope you can help. See www.gofundme.com/whafuw48 Or if you prefer Wells Fargo Omaha has an account set up called DillonTylerVan, which you can send a donation to. Check with your own Wells Fargo about getting the deposit made to Account number: 5089869753.

After hearing my guests, I think you’ll find Thanks and Giving easier to achieve, and hopefully help in the spirit of Thanksgiving.

Dillon Tyler Van

Interview with Kim Justus on her show Recovery Now on Brain Injury Radio Network, November 23, 2015.

After the show, Wendy sent the following note: “Thank you so much for taking the time to reach out to your listening audience. We are so grateful for YOU! It was a story I wanted to share with you but there wasn’t enough time. I just want you to understand what a joyous, happy spirit Dillon has. When Melissa and I decided to tell Dillon his life would be cut short she found a video to help explain and he and I sat in her bedroom and watched the video on the computer.

I told him about all of our loved ones who have died and are in heaven and they would be waiting for him. He said, “When I take Jesus’ right hand and he takes me to heaven, I will look down at my empty wheelchair and I will say goodbye MD!” Then his face lit up and he exclaimed, “Hey! I’ll be there waiting for YOU!” Yes, Dillon, you will!” What a strong, courageous, brave little boy. He was a little over 10. He wouldn’t let us tell Tyler…wanted to spare him that bad news.”

Holistic Healing Strategies for Brain Injury

‪#‎inaflash‬ My guest Dr Karen Kan is going to be offering free brain balance evaluations remotely while we’re LIVE on the air! Join us if you’d like to know if your brain is balanced WED night!!

7pm Pac/10pm Est. #braininjuryradio‬ Click link to listen,or Skype, or call 424-243-9540. Same link for both live shows (Every WED Nite), and after, for On Demand playback! Click link below for more show details.
