Recovery Now covers 95% directly brain injury related topics. At the same time, we are “People First” not defined by our injuries, and have the same challenges, dreams, and interests as those who don’t have brain injury .. So from time to time you have noticed guests who don’t speak directly to brain injury, but to topics which apply to all people. On a path to drop the victim status, practice acceptance, and redefine our purpose – We all need guides & tips. Just an FYI, in case you’ve ever wondered 🙂 Visit In a Flash on Facebook by clicking here


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Note: You can also listen to all of Kim’s shows on the iHeartRadio website by scrolling down in the widget above and selecting “Listen to more episodes”.

Recovery Now with Kim Justus on Brain Injury Radio Move as Blog Talk Departs

Many of you have heard that Blog Talk Radio is closing their operation any day now. We’re SAD because we’ve run Brain Injury Radio broadcasts & On Demand Programming there since 2009. So many great hosts and listeners. We’re MAD because they gave us so little notice to make other arrangements. They aren’t going on, but our shows will be!

We’re going to have a two part means of doing this new arrangement. We will broadcast from Zoom (Download your free Zoom account now if you haven’t already) and then watch for announcements on social media for the invitation link to join us live. After the live show, it will be transferred over to Spreaker for listening at your pleasure.

Now the link below showing a new page highlighting all shows in our history since 2009! After clicking link below find your banner or fave hosts’ & click it. Poof. All of your programs (or most – more to transfer for currently active shows) – and you will be able to preview our new home for On Demand programs. Know you will enjoy hearing the shows, as well as forwarding the link to people looking for support, awareness and advocacy regarding brain injury. Pretty cool for each show to have its own page! We appreciate you all so much for your contributions over the years.–18173751

Unfortunately I will be missing our launch due to major surgery in a couple weeks that will keep me out recovering at least a couple months. When I am back I look forward to adding some new hosts to refreshen our platform too. Join me LIVE tonight for questions, comments, last show with music for a while-Good-byes to Blog Talk & Hello Spreaker (Owned by iHeart) so we will be streaming large!

Kim Justus

Food for Thought on Recovery Now with Kim and Caren

Know your labels!! Join us as we discuss shopping for better health – The quality of the food chain has slid to what can be detrimental for optimal health. The spotlight is starting to shine on what to look for to enable our food to be medicine, not poison. With obseity at near half the population from children on up, it’s time to recognize over-eating isn’t always the culprit. It doesn’t help, but much of it is chicken and egg theory. No pun intended. The problem may well stem from ingredients we aren’t even aware are in our food. Big business, with some big consequences. We will also include liquid foods, and enteral feeding.

Bill Keck Life of Service After a Rough Start

I had known Bill for many years, when I learned he’d suffered a TBI. He’d had a lengthy road of recovery the past couple years, and then a severe car accident too. Bill was always strong as a bull, and few have had a more colorful past and turn around. Between his own addiction, chronic pain, and mental health challenges – He fought like the warrior he had always been and overcame, continuing to live a life of service. In spite of his challenges, Bill had a heart bigger than most. I was blessed to have him as part of my life for so long. Bill Keck was a dear friend who passed in 2021, but his story lives on. Prior to his retirement, Bill, a US Navy Veteran who did two tours in Nam, developed an alcohol and drug treatment center, within a Homeless Shelter. He worked there for almost 20yrs, during which he wrote a book about recovery and miracles. See: We were out of touch for a few years, so I was shocked to hear about his brain injury. After being a host for so long, I wonder if he had prior blows to the head during his service, either to our country or at the shelter. God Bless you Bill – You are missed.

Dr. Paul Wand and Integrative Neurology

Dr. Paul Wand is a clinical neurologist in private practice since 1982, having vast experience diagnosing and treating neurological conditions for 40 yrs. He has always had an active interest in research since medical school. His clinical research interests include newer and more effective methods of diagnosing and treating neurological conditions. The advantage of his unique and innovative treatment protocols stem from combining traditional and alternative methods, a field known as integrative neurology. He has developed a multidisciplinary treatment approach to Traumatic Brain Injury, post-concussion syndrome, Autism, chronic pain, arthritic, neck and back pain, hormonal imbalances and peripheral neuropathy, especially the diabetic type. His protocols have demonstrated effectively they can reverse neurological deficits whereas the traditional treatment cannot. Dr. Wand’s combined approach of traditional and alternative treatments seems to be the most effective when treating and reversing what is usually considered to be permanent damage to the central and peripheral nervous system. Because there is NO standard treatment for Concussion, Dr. Wand wrote The Concussion Cure, 3 Proven Methods to Heal your Brain. The book is unique in genre since it is the only book which explains how to both diagnose and treat all the symptoms of a concussion with two specific tests which themselves generate the treatments. See: &

The Brain-Gut Connection with Kim and Caren

Most of you have probably heard the term “Leaky Gut” syndrome, but don’t fully understand the mechanics. The brain-gut connection, also known as the gut-brain axis, is a two way communication system between the brain and the digestive system. It’s a complex network of nerves and signals that allows the brain and gut to work together to keep the digestive system functioning properly. Why is this important? How can you determine when your brain-gut connection isn’t working correctly, and what are the possible consequences? What can you do to help facilitate that crucial balance again?

Life After Brain Hemorrhage

September is Brain Aneurysm Awareness Month. Some rupture from pressure, and others wait patiently for the day they likely do. Known by descriptions beyond just Aneurysm … You hear these beasts described as Hemorrhagic stroke due to bleeding into the brain by the rupture of a blood vessel. Hemorrhagic stroke may be further subdivided into intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). Ischemic and TIA are often associated terms. Join me with a special panel of survivors – Vanessa Kelly, Megan Bacigalupo, Chris Chappell, and Host – Kim Justus. We represent long time, moderate time & recent survivors. The nuisances of each story tells volumes. 1 in 50 suffer aneurysm. About 25% of people who experience a brain aneurysm rupture die within 24 hours. Around 50% of people die within three months of the rupture due to complications. Of those who survive, about 66% experience permanent brain damage. Listen, share, be aware .. And pass it on.

Something Shiny After Brain Injury

Many residuals can be new issues we grapple with after Brain Injury. Difficulty focusing without getting distracted is one of those. This intrusion can become frustrating and make us angry. It was on one of those days, many of us survivors began to refer to this as “something shiny”. To survive around this community, it helps to have a sense of humor. We are intent on the task in front of us, and suddenly something shiny pulls us away, and when we return .. the bread crumbs have blown away! Tonight co-host Caren Robinson and I will discuss your shiny distractions, what we can do to mitigate and maybe a few other life alterations to compensation for after brain injury. We also want to pay tribute to the heros of 9-11, and prayers to the fallen of that game changing day that defines a few generations thereafter. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families.