Marilyn: Behind the Icon

How Marilyn Monroe’s legacy helps with Mental Illness and Addiction 6oyrs later on the Anniversary of her death. Join me with Nina Boski to discuss all things Marilyn, and her life from Tragedy to Triumph. Nina is also producing two special project to commemorate this Anniversary. Nina Boski is transformational leader, media executive, and founder of LifeBites Global. See: No doubt you’ve heard of Marilyn Monroe. She was a Hollywood glamour girl and mega movie star; She will be forever tied to President, John F. Kennedy, and known all over the world for her infamous, Happy Birthday Mr. President” tribute. She is also responsible for all us girls believing that “diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” … But do you know she was so much more than that? Marilyn was a strong and resilient human being! She overcame the odds and kept seeking treatment through her own personal growth, even though the outcome ended the star’s short life at 36 years old. Tonight, June 1st is her Birthday.

Do No Harm Not the League Motto with CTE

My Co-Host is Rico Petrini #49, an All-Conference Linebacker and Team MVP at Oregon State University, went from near perfect health to extreme behavioral, neurological, and physical changes this past year at age 49. For more on Rico’s story, listen to 2nd hour of show 3-23. Rico will be further enlightening us on CTE and the NFL/NCAA flawed integrity offering support. Ken Bartolo will join us – 2 sport college athlete football and lacrosse. Just over a year with the Buffalo Bills, on & off practice squad professionally as well as 3 years of professional lacrosse with Rochester Greywolves. After 24 concussions he went from an active motivational speaker to few engagements.Symptoms started presenting themselves 13 years ago. His diagnosis went from post concussion syndrome to CTE within a year. We’ll also be discussing Justin Bannan, NFL Player for 9yrs with multiple teams. He was confirmed to have suffered brain injury from multiple hits and begun a rapid decline culminating in an act of violence in a delusional state. He received 16 yrs for the incident, was not allowed to present any brain injury related information or suspected CTE, nor have any experts speak to behavior associated with his amygdala high jack. He has a brain shunt, currently in a Colorado Prison awaiting appeal/compassionate care release as his health is rapidly declining without medical care.

Internal Guidance System

Zen Cryar DeBrucke had been a high school drop out, who built a 45 employee Tech Company in the .com boom, until that bubble burst. Unlike her other friends who were suffering the peril of their industry, she stayed .. Well, Zen! It’s because she discovered something so profound, this discovery drove her company’s success! It was how to navigate all her thoughts, emotions and actions using an Internal Guidance System (IGS) – bodily clues enabling her to identify, shift beliefs and old programs that were false, disempowering and limiting—and refocus on the empowering thoughts, she could find the thinking that easily attracted the synchronicities and as she said ” the magic” that fueled her massive success and joy! More importantly, she discovered these openings were reprogramming the neural pathways of her mind. That stress, worry, fear, overwhelm, guilt, procrastination, frustration, irritation, doubt and misery are simply signals to pivot your thoughts. So that by using ones IGS you are creating a brain that is getting healthier and healthier daily. This can work for you too! She is now a member of the illustrious Transformation Leadership Council.

Alternative Treatments for Chronic Pain

It doesn’t take a brain injury to suffer from chronic pain, but many who have experienced brain injury, also suffer from chronic pain issues. Many of us don’t want to add addiction to our laundry list of potentially life long health issues, are seeking alternative or more holistic ways to deal with pain. Tonight Kim and Caren will talk about some of the treatments that have helped them, the doctor probably hasn’t mentioned.

Dr. Robert Fraser and TBI Rehabilitation

Robert Fraser, Ph.D is a professor in the University of Washington’s Dept of Rehabilitation Medicine, jointly with the Departments of Neuro Surgery, Neurology, and consultant to the Social Security Admin. Dr. Fraser is a certified rehab counselor & life care planner. He directs Neurological Vocational Services within Rehab Medicine, specializing in brain injury, epilepsy and MS. He has co-authored numerous articles and four text books to include TBI Rehabilitation.