New’s Year’s Eve – Coma to Comedy with Kit

My guest tonight is Kit Summers. So you think you’ve had a bad day? Imagine being hit by a truck, then years later, being hit by a truck again! After spending months in the hospital and relearning to walk and talk, having been a world class juggler and entertainer, Kit not only learned to juggle again, he learned to live again..And he can teach YOU how to have a better life. Kit is author of “Beyond Your Potential” book series and “Stop Aspiring and Start Creating!” You must see him perform at

In the last part of the show, we’ll be Looking Back, Looking Ahead. Hope you’ll call in and share. On second thought, let’s leave the past behind. That train has already left the station! What can you do to improve your quality of life in 2015, and what action are you willing to take to make that happen?!

Merry Christmas …

We hope you’ve all enjoyed your holiday season, and that you topped it off with the Merriest Christmas you could muster. We hope you found joy, peace and gratitude in your day.

There are new 4th Thursday of each month hosts starting for the new year, but we covered and are covering for them back on Thanksgiving, and this Christmas night. The old salts who believe we should leave the lights on for the compromised in need/want…Live, not Memorex at times like these! None of us are alone.

Call in and share YOUR reflections of this holiday season. How did it compare to others? Where was YOUR head in the game? Was your Christmas Merry? Did you give or receive something special or memorable? Did you feel sad, happy or a combination of both?

One person with a dream come true is a past guest of mine from a Special Saturday Edition show on October 25th called Knock Out. My guest Tim, was anxiously awaiting the release of his book and website for Life Interrupted: The Tim Bransfield Story. Tim’s Christmas was Merry with the launch of Check out his site, and our October interview!

Holiday Double Header – Eve of Miracles

Tonight’s Episode of my regular Wednesday night show will start 30 minutes late. This happens to be the night our extended family has celebrated Christmas (dinnner & gift exchange at my folks), for all of my life. Things are already starting to change, and by next year will change dramatically. This year is not the one to rush through. This is one of those “savor the moments” times. I’m going to try my best to do that. If I make it home early, will start the show.

On Christmas Day it’ll be the first holiday celebrated in our new home. A lot has changed in the last year. We don’t entertain much, and haven’t really at all at this new home; Unless you count work men! Now THOSE we’ve had plenty of!! Our new 4th Thurs hosts weren’t up to starting on Christmas, so I’ll be back hopefully with a few other hosts.

The Brain Injury Connection…

After a TBI, where Deb Palmer lost consciousness over asphalt, resulting in a subdural hematoma and subarachnoid hemorrhage, she was diagnosed with a seizure disorder and major depression. She knew she fell and hit her head, that something was wrong, but didn’t know what. She kept thinking it would go away with more sleep. Nobody referred her to any resources for help or support. Doctors obviously weren’t trained on how to address the long-term sequelae of brain injury or how to help someone who has had one. Deb didn’t want what happened to her to happen to others.

Deb decided to turn anger into something constructive; and, with the help of other survivors and some professionals, published five free newsletters to educate about brain injury. The demand for the publication was greater than expected so she decided to form a nonprofit organization. Thus, the Brain Injury Connection (BIC) was born.

Kim with Late Nite TUNZ 4 Youz 4 Da Holly Days

If you like music, consider it therapeutic, and feel like kicking back after Kevin’s regular Friday show, then join me for this Special Edition (previously unannounced) Jam. I’ll be mixing holiday tunes with my Fab regular playlist and maybe even taking some of your calls. Holidays can bring joy or a feeling of isolation. Tonight we can step out, and know we aren’t alone.

This show will make great background music at the least, and a fun surprise of healing at the best. Let’s party!

Regaining Consciousness

Brain injury entered her life at the hands of a distracted driver while she and her husband were stopped at a red light in 2001. She was not diagnosed as brain injured until 2003. She had no outward injuries, so continued going to work every day, but suddenly everything in and around her because very different.

Deb Angus began writing about her experiences in 2004 to help coworkers understand what she was experiencing. A 2 page leaflet turned into a 366 page book that was released this year. With the difficulties that ensued and the strategies devised, she has become an expert on brain injury recovery through the ten years research in writing this book. Regaining Consciousness is a resource to empower individuals to find the help they need if they suspect they may have sustained a brain injury.