Indie Music (Including by Survivors), who have expressed the depth of their emotions through song, or maybe they just get inspired by a passing spoof. Any way they do it is theuraputic…For someone. Listen in if you want to kick back and hear some great tunes, with a variety of genres.
Random thoughts…By Me, and You too I hope. Not all of us can express ourselves through music. Some do it by art, musing, writing…a myriad of possibilities. Express yourself through the airwaves of the radio. If you are looking for a soft place to land. Join me tonight.
Denise Mercado was a Military Mom who learned about HBOT when one son became an Army diver in the Special Forces 7th Group. Her youngest son, was born with developmental disabilities, so she became an advocate wanting to discover more effective treatment options. She went on to establish Fayetteville Hyberbarics.
Dr Robert Ferguson became the Medical Director at the Fayetteville Facility. He is a retired Colonel-US Air National Guard, Medical Officer, and Flight Surgeon. Together they have been offering hope through HBOT.
Open Mic Night to share your positive memories of Brain Injury Radio as we kick off the week of our 4th Anniversary! In addition, I would like to hear your happy jokes, ancedotes, goals, and desires. Last week, I covered grief and mourning. Like it or not, those are also elements on a path of recovery. This week, we explore the other side of the coin. I also have several new Indie Artists to play, as well as your favorite requests. And YOU bring ME a side splitting joke! (BYOJ) 🙂
Music and humor have long been demonstrated to be uplifting and useful tools in recovery. Be it a simple smile, or a belly laugh; a pretty little ditty, or a tune that stirs the smiles and memory. Of course I’ll have some facts to back that up or, you guys will demonstrate how that works in practice.
We are all responsibility for making our own good times, by the tone of our attitude. Bring your happy face, and pay it forward to tonight…Or, just sit back and chill to a myriad of tunes, guaranteed to stoke the attitudes and put you in the mood to party down! Let’s turn that frown, upside down tonight and rock on! Lady Gagaphant Your Humble Host
September 11, 2001 signaled a day of everlasting change for most of America. When we had our brain injuries, that process of ongoing grief and change, happened for us too. In both cases, many suffer not only from their injuries, but PTSD as well. Please call in tonight on this Eve of 9-11, when many of us revisit our grief from the country’s tragedy, to those of our own. Collective mourning lends itself to support, and frees us from the isolation, we so often seek. It was 14 years ago that 9-11 happened. For me, 19 years since my brain injury. Too often we are told by others, or believe ourselves, that we should be done feeling the sting of our mourning this far down the road. Reality shows us, that recovery is process, with many triggers on the road, reminding us of the day(s) that changed us forever.
Larry Schutz, PhD, ABPP is a neuropsychologist with more than 30 years of experience in brain injury rehabilitation. He trained with the founders of intensive holistic cognitive rehabilitation and has since refined the methodology to develop an advanced 8-week program Self-Therapy for Adaptive Recovery (STAR). He is the author of the books Head Injury Recovery in Real Life and Rehabilitation of the Shaken Soldier Syndrome.
Dr Schutz founded GiveBack, a non-profit organization that provides education and support so that survivors can learn how to become recoverers. He has written 2 free manuals that can be accessed via the GiveBack websites at and The first is for survivors titled: “Self-Therapy for Traumatic Brain Injury: Teaching Yourself to Prevent Brain-Injured Moments.” The second is for family members/friends: “Helping your Family to Recover from Brain Injury.”