Simon Says Looking Back, Looking Ahead

Kim and Simon will review notable events of 2019, and hopes for the new decade 2020. Happy New Year! Today is the First Blank Page of a 365 page book .. Write a good one! Embrace your power to choose. The past is for learning from our mistakes & victories, the present is for embracing new things, and the future is for charting our course. To be absent from drama, is to be present with peace

Naughty or Nice This Year?

We’ll wind down the long 48 hour holiday, and concentrated seasonal sensory overload, by kicking back, sharing some tunes, and trading some chat.How did your holiday season go? Roast those final chestnuts, take in the fire and twinkling lights…And join me. 🙂 This show, Recovery Now is a gathering placefor anyone seeking recoveryfrom the challenges of life on life’s terms. I introduce topics, and survivor’s share their experience, strength and hope. We discuss useful tools that have helped us lighten the load, of our journey through recovery. More will be revealed! Tune in, stop in and call in. This is a “we” recovery program, because it is in the “we,” that we find the new “me.” We focus on the four A’s of Recovery…Awareness, Acceptance, Action and Adaptation. This is a place for survivor’s striving to become thrivers. 🙂 Some nights we will have a featured guest, and others we will introduce a topic of recovery, encouraging callers to join us in the discussion. The back half of the show is open mic and some fabulous Indy music, sure to inspire.

Ever Feel Like A Misfit Toy? You Are NOT Alone – Join Us on the Island :)

There are a LOT of Holiday geared programs around this time of year. One that I’ve watched every year of my life (REALLY long time), is Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. I began to consider what messages that show was sending. Hmmm .. I guess I could relate to the underpinnings of a few of those differences from a young age. Worse since my brain injury when I couldn’t recognize myself, or communicate “the new me”. One message is that people who are “different” are less desirable. They are judged, manipulated and controlled. They are lonely and isolated. Thus, holding a perception of not fitting in with the status quo. Even easier to feel like that issue is rubbed in this time of year. Before my brain injury, I took those differences as being “unique” or “out of the box” compared to most folk, as a good thing. That was a special, freeing feeling. There was nothing to measure up to, because being ME was enough. There were no comparisons, because there is none. We are each unique, not to be compelled to conform to someone else’s notion of “normal”. Was that a dream? Some place “different” took on a new meaning, that equates with something bad, ignored or frowned upon. Reasons for being banished from people or groups, realizing fears and insecurities once foreign to me. A challenge of self confidence. We all have our abominable snow men.

Nose Over Toes with Janet Sutherland

In 2004, Janet Sutherland-Madden suffered from a ruptured brain aneurysm that left her blind and paralyzed. She has now fully recovered and has turned her health trauma into a career by lobbying and fundraising for the Brain Aneurysm Foundation. Sutherland is a former Chicago radio reporter where she was heard covering many landmark stories. Janet has worked in marketing in cable television and has syndicated national radio shows and news networks including CNN, CBS and Fox.

Her new book Nose Over Toes, tells the story her recovery and includes research from The Brain Aneurysm Foundation. One in 50 people currently have a brain aneurysm and do not know it. Sutherland miraculously recovered and felt her story would save lives and provide hope to survivors. For More See: