Music and open mic night!!
Moving Forward …
with Dr Romanas!
Another Saturday and …
open mic and indy music night!!
my brain go?!
Outsmarting Brain Injury
with guest Kathy Moeller!
Spring Ahead!
Your clock AND your life!!
Vital Warrior
Mikal Vega is a Combat Veteran with 22.5 years of military service, nine of those years in Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) and 13 years as a Navy SEAL. He was medically discharged due to combat related injuries suffered during Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), when a roadside IED low ordered while manning the turret of a HMMWV, causing a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI) and severe trauma to the cervical vertebrae.
Mikal was awarded two Bronze Stars with Combat Valor and a Purple Heart from his service in Operation Iraqi Freedom. The Citizen’s Commission on Human Rights chose Vital Warrior founder Mikal Vega as a recipient of the 2014 CCHR Human Rights Award.
After nearly dying from a cocktail of pharmaceuticals prescribed to him for symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress, Mikal decided to find a better way. Four years ago, he founded Vital Warrior, a non profit organization and system of non-pharmaceutical rebalancing designed by a Mikal himself. This system is geared towards alleviating the detrimental effects of acute stress in its clients without the use of pharmaceutical drugs.
Sometimes Chillin’…
Ain’t So Thrillin’!!