Messages of Hope

In 2010, Janice Tindle 54, was the passenger in an automobile collision involving an underinsured driver and her husband. She sustained a spine and traumatic brain injury. Since that time, she has become an online awareness advocate for TBI, neurological disorders and invisible disability by writing about it on her blog, She is currently writing a book about overcoming adversity, as well as being an international published writer since her TBI.

As we face these game changing life events, many survivors become messengers, using their recovery tools to help others. Join Janice and I as we discuss her process through the maze of brain injury, and understand you can do it too, in your time.

Police Brutality Against Their Own

Join my guest(s) the McPeak’s as we discuss the brutality imposed on their son, as he was about to complete training at the police academy. Due to the nature of a training drill where blunt force is used, CS sustained substantial brain injury. Denial by the Blue Wall cause great hardship. Awareness needs to be raised and new protocol in place for “crisis management” training, mandatory for all officers in the special circumstances of a person with a TBI or mental illness. Not enough education or knowledge is known about the effects of brain injury and repeated concussions, among their own, or the public at large. What can we legislate, raise awareness of a need for change in protocol in some police training programs? We’re learning it with the NFL, the Veteran’s, and now perhaps a need for law enforcement? For the safety of all consider a Veteran coming home with an undiagnosed brain injury, joining the force, confronting a patron with an unrecognized TBI, and the perfect storm that could become.

Handle with LoVe and Greg Costa

Greg Costa resides in the in-between of chaos and order, sin and salvation, joy and pain. Five years ago, he suffered a TBI, which like with many of us, changed his life forever. As an author, keynote speaker and inspirationalist he moves the room of any event he attends with his testimony of faith, his story of trial and tribulation, and is a true underdog hero. As a minister, it is hard not to feel the Holy Spirit when Greg speaks about life, and the word of Christ. He strives to carry out his mission through the work and outreach benefiting the lives of those less fortunate, and those with physical and developmental disabilities. He is truly staring adversity in the face through his ministry, Mark of Christ. Greg also works as a TBI Care Advocate, Mentor & Consultant. See and For apparel and resources it is

Miracle or Coincidence

It’s every woman’s dream to have a man take her out on a date transported by a private jet. Little did Arlicia Albert know the Lord would fulfill her dream as a means of life flight transportation after suffering a near death brain aneurysm on her mother’s 72nd birthday August 15, 2011. Arlicia’s severe aneurysm required agreement to participate in a Humanitarian Use Device (HUD) project called “Cordis Enterprise Vascular Reconstruction Device and Delivery System – Humanitarian Use Device”.

Minister Arlicia R. Albert brings forth messages that are life changing. She is a powerful preacher, teacher and inspirational speaker, who encourages others with uplifting messages, relevant life stories and life skills that apply in both the faithbased and industry sectors. She is also a sought after national motivational speaker, women’s conference presenter, and corporate work, faith, life balance coach. See