Normal Life, Then it Exploded

In 2004, Kimberly Chapman suffered two ruptured brain aneurysms and was astounded by the lack of public awareness and sparse research of such a widespread and often fatal condition. Recognizing the need for brain aneurysm advocacy and other types of vascular malformations of the brain, she personally established several international support networks to provide information, resources and motivation for survivors and family members. Kim has created a patient advocacy program inside The Joe Niekro Foundation which offers patients and caregivers educational information along with a huge amount of resources to find help.This mission with the Joe Niekro Patient Advocacy Program is to help survivors realize that recovery is possible and will help patients learn what to expect during the healing process and new coping strategies.

Open Mic & Indie Nite With Kim…And Jeff too!

Tonight you bring the show to me! Share what’s on your brain, kick back and listen to some great inspirational Indy Music. I’ll be having a special drive thru, with was a wonderful former guest on my regular Wed Nite RecoveryNow show…Jeff Sebell, whose book is just HOT off the press.Join us as he shares a preview, and see more at Host Kim Justus, who you can “Like” at 🙂

Can Cellular Memory Hold Your Key

Medical science had determined, through doing transplants, that the memory passes at the cellular level, and that every cell in your body knows everything that has ever happened to you in your life. My guest is Mike Carey, who has been active in Alternative Healing for many years. His special “gift” of being able to read bodies, has offered recovery for people all over the world, with many different malady’s. He found out that you can tap into that memory by asking the body questions that can be answered “yes” or “no”, and the body will respond electrically which can then be understood through muscle testing.

Almond Against Football

Steve Almond spent seven years as a newspaper reporter in Texas and Florida before writing his first book, the story collection My Life in Heavy Metal. His non-fiction book, Candyfreak, was a New York Times Bestseller. His short fiction has been included in The Best American Short Stories and Pushcart Prize anthologies, and his most recent collection, God Bless America, won the Paterson Prize for Fiction. Almond writes commentary and journalism regularly for The New York Times Magazine and The Boston Globe. Lately he’s been causing quite a stir in the world of the NFL. A former sports reporter and play-by-play man, Almond lives outside Boston with his wife and three children. See his site at

Brain Injured Moments with Dr Maria

Regular Recovery Now contributor Dr Maria Romanas is back to discuss a familiar issue in our community!

“Most brain deficits are not constant skill deficiencies. They only make trouble at certain times and in certain places—this is why we call them “Brain Injured Moments” or BIMs. Learn where, when, and how you make them so you can stop making them. To teach yourself these lessons, you should fill out a Self-Therapy Log each time you notice a BIM—it directs your self-therapy to focus on the tasks and situations that require you to do something in a new and different way.” – Larry Schutz, PhD

Waiting on an Angel – Special Saturday Edition

Join me tonight with Rhonda Smith. Rhonda has been providing numerology readings and counseling for over 40 years both on and off line, and has been, since 2002, and continues to be a columnist for The Sedona Journal of Emergence. She also is a contributing author to the Shift anthologies: The Sacred Shift, Co-Creating Your Future…in a New Renaissance and Creating Your Own Shift.

In order to better assist individuals in their awakening, Rhonda has studied extensively. She has a BS in History and a minor in Economics from Towson University, a JD from the Univ.of MD Law School, PhD (Meta) American College of Metaphysical Theology, PhD (Meta) Universal Life Church, PhD (Rel Science) Univ Life Church, PhD (Motivation) Univ Life Church. In addition, she is a Reiki Sensei Master Teacher, a Chios Master Teacher and has been trained in Jin Shin Jyutsu and Healing Touch. This understanding of our energy bodies assists in understanding the signs in your physical body.

She also served as a Squadron Commander and on the Inspector General’s staff achieving the rank of Captain in the USAF-CAP.

In 1997, Rhonda opened The Awakening Center, an online spiritual community that provides weekly events to assist people who seek a deeper and more fulfilling spiritual experience. In 2007, Rhonda embarked on bringing The Awakening Center to a broader audience through her weekly radio talk show AWAKE! Now What? which airs 6 p.m. Eastern time each Sunday evening on Blog Talk Radio. You can contact her at