Simon Says: Spring Into Action

Kim and Simon Lewis (Last WED Co-Host) will be discussing the evolving effects of Covid19 in our respective areas. Many of us were frozen like a deer in the headlights as this nightmare began. No matter what, like with our brain injury, life goes on. What types of “action” helps us to do so in the most productive ways? We invite callers to join in the discussion, and share their shout-outs of the situation in their area, and how they are handling this unprecedented time.

BioPsychoSocialSpiritual Treatment w/RX Professor

Mark Pew is a passionate educating and agitating thought leader in workers’ compensation and award-winning speaker, blogger, author and jurisdictional advisor. Known as the RxProfessor, he has been focused on the intersection of chronic pain and appropriate treatment since 2003 as it relates to the clinical and financial implications of prescription painkillers, non-pharma treatment modalities and the evolution of medical marijuana. He is a strong champion to #PreventTheMess and #CleanUpTheMess with a specific focus on the BioPsychoSocialSpiritual treatment model. Mark received the WorkCompCentral Magna Comp Laude award in 2016 and the IAIABC’s Samuel Gompers Award in 2017.

Trauma Recovery Through Animal Wisdom

From Trauma Recovery Therapist/Educator to Animal Instinctual Wisdom – My Guest is MicheleElys She had to choose Happiness! Having a career in Trauma Recovery was rewarding. The very moment she published her book found on Amazon (TBI & Concussion Understanding & Improvement) She asked herself “What did make me Happy?” MicheleElys chose to educate Animal Wisdom to assuage anthropomorphize, understanding what service animals bring to Earth and Humans. From the time as a toddler, behavioral sciences came natural from the animal world. That lead to studies in psychology at age 14, later neurosciences, blending all three, educating the natural instincts of Animal Wisdom was logical writing and educational platform.

Down the Rabbit Hole on Recovery Now with Kim Justus & Caren Robinson

Kim and Caren will be discussing, reaching out and staying connected during this difficult time in our history. Will provide tips, and avenues of support. From there, you just never know where that will lead us! We will take callers .. Interested to know how all of you listners are coping with the “New World” and your thoughts, fears, feelings.

Special Edition: History & Need More than Ever for ADA

Susan Fitzmaurice is a lifelong disability advocate beginning prior to her identity as a disabled person at 14 as a candy striper in a regional disabled children’s institution . She became an adoptive parent of an intellectual disabled son, and soon after found herself disabled herself. Her advocacy has led her to fight for inclusive education, supported employment, micro-enterprise, alternatives to guardianship, and a full life in the community dominated by designing and demanding barrier free access for all. Learn about the history of the Americans with Disabiility Act (ADA), the Pros & Cons, and why we need to unite more than ever NOW under it. For more see: This show is a gathering place for anyone seeking recovery from the challenges of life on life’s terms. We discuss useful tools that have helped us lighten the load, of our journey through recovery.