Life Dealt Him A Different Hand

Growing up, Mark Elswick had only one plan for his life. He was determined to be the next, great sportscaster on ESPN. Things were going just as scheduled for the college junior. That was, until, a life-threatening automobile accident derailed his plans. The crash left him on death’s doorstep with no chance of survival when his parents arrived at the hospital. They were greeted with his fate, being told he wasn’t expected to make it through the day.

Almost twenty-six years later, he’s an internationally-published author with Modern History Press, working towards becoming an in-demand motivational speaker. He’s here to not only give his story, but—more importantly—give what tell what he feels is the real explanation as to why he beat those insurmountable odds. His message is one that we all need to hear and carry into our daily lives. See:

Simon Says – Civilians Get PTSD Too

Join 4th Wednesday of every month Co-Host Simon Lewis, author of Rise and Shine & I .. Discussing Civilian PTSD. We typically think of PTSD as a Military acquired condition, and certainly it is.

There is however, a large portion of the civilian population who struggles with the same mantle. We Warrior/Survivors may not have been down range, but we’ve experienced our own battlefields and struggled to find our way back.


Josh W – Professor of Blastology and the resulting (previously unnamed) “Blast Wave Stupidity” from using explosives to open doors like you use your phone to order coffee. Received his training in blast wave consequences in the US and Middle East, as well as hospitals, brain treatment programs, hyperbaric oxygen chambers and doctors offices across the country. High Consequence Athlete. Plays for keeps always. First team all American in the World Cup of ass kicking contests, survived mostly intact. Intent on healing every single one of the 339,000 US military service members with blast related TBI, will not stop until the mission is complete. Introduction of new host joing the team at BIRN!!!

Dr Maria’s Relational Skills Series #3

n Dr Maria Romana’s Series on Relational Skills, tonight we discuss the third! Dr Maria is a Brain Injury Survivor who has worked extensively in Brain Injury Recovery protocols. She has become a regular Co-Host sharing what she has learned in her journey. Dr Maria is employed at the VA as a Pathologist.

Number 1 we discussed was: Can you see me? (Are they really paying focused attention)

Number 2 we discussed Self Soothing (Keeping us Calm to Better Carry On)

Independence Day for US

Has Independence Day backfired for our country with all of the divisiveness? The first Independence Day we were UNITED. Now, not so much.

The 4th of July is ONE day. Why do people with PTS, people with jobs, pets, wildlife and others made to suffer in places like the town I live in for 10 Days, from 9am to 11pm .. Which never quite stops at the 11pm cut off.

What are we celebrating on July 4th? Not a trick question ..

Open Mic Nite with Patriotic Music and Facts – Join Me!