James Larken Smith

My guest tonight is James Larken Smith, creator of the morning radio show “The Morning Coffee Mix” which you can hear Monday-Friday from 10am-Noon Central at http://www.themorningcoffeemix.com/ . He loves music (even studying it in college), and plays the piano and trumpet. In 2004, he survived a brain bleed aneurism & stroke that was caused by an arterial venus malformation(AVM) on the brain. He enjoys encouraging people through difficulties in life, as we do, here at Brain Injury Radio.

Ken Graves

My guest tonight is Ken Graves. Ken’s social work career spans three decades with seven or more years working with the following populations:

-Incarcerated women and men diagnosed with mental illnesses
-Adults with traumatic brain injury (seven years)
-Adults with developmental disabilities
-Teenagers and Children at risk of delinquency
-He graduated from Columbia University School of social work in 1978.

Ken has hosted his own Radio Show since October 2011 on earth and planetary issues.

Ken has practiced Karate for 14yrs, finding it a useful tool in disapline and recovery.
This show is a gathering place for anyone seeking recovery from the challenges of life on life’s terms. I introduce topics, and survivor’s share their experience, strength and hope. We discuss useful tools that have helped us lighten the load, of our journey through recovery.

Clean Water Controversy

Tonight we will discuss wetting our whistle! Many of us don’t drink enough water, or we drink too much of the wrong kind of water. What is the “wrong” water, what’s all the talk about acidity versus akaline, why is bottled spring water better than the alternatives, what’s wrong with the free stuff from the tap, and why should we care?

My guest tonight is Dustin Long, who has been swimming in the deep end of the drinking water industry for the last five years. He can be reached at: dustinjlong@gmail.com or multipureusa.com/dlong.