Help Healing to the Dogs

Former Chicago radio reporter Janet Sutherland was living alone when a ruptured brain aneurysm left her fighting for her life. Now she is a survivor and an author! Her book highlights that caring for dogs often inspires us to take better care of ourselves, particularly in times of crisis. Andrew J immediately took on the role as a “therapy” dog for Janet.

A portion of the proceeds from this book will be donated to the Brain Aneurysm Foundation, the globally recognized leader in brain aneurysm awareness, education, support, advocacy and research funding. The foundation provides support, education, and information to brain aneurysm patients, their families, and the medical community. They also fund essential research that can directly benefit those affected and help to reduce the incidence of ruptured aneurysms. For more see janetesutherlandcom

Front part of show is a featured guest. The second is Open Mic and some great Indy Music, sure to inspire!

Simon Says Segment-Life Beyond Brain Injury

We must stop hoping for a better past .. That ship sailed. Would we change it if we could? Of course. Now that we are here, can life become an adventure we could have never foreseen .. Absolutely! Don’t drop the rope, there is still reason for hope. Join Simon and I for this honest, realistic discussion.

Radiating Headache that was Something More

In June 2009, guest Steve Schwiering was experiencing a very painful headache from above his eye rounding his skull. The pain was unbearable so he went to the local walk-in clinic, hoping they could find out what was going on. Steve was there for several hours before it was decided he should be sent via ambulance to a hospital. After laying in the ER for 11 hours he was finally given a CAT scan and found to be suffering from a Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. They repaired the bleed with (2) coils. Twenty one days later .. He was released.

Dr Maria’s in the House! Next Relational Skill

In Dr Maria Romana’s Series on Relational Skills, tonight we discuss the third! Dr Maria is a Brain Injury Survivor who has worked extensively in Brain Injury Recovery protocols. She has become a regular Co-Host sharing what she has learned in her journey. Dr Maria is employed at the VA as a Pathologist.

Number 1 we discussed was: Can you see me? (Are they really paying focused attention)

Number 2 we discussed Self Soothing (Keeping us Calm to Better Carry On)

Number 3 we discussed Creating Bonds for Two People

Tonight we will discuss #4 .. Creating Appreciation!

Heal Your Concussion and Get Back in the Game

Joanny Liu is an international best selling author of the book, Heal Your Concussion: How to Quickly and Effectively Get Back in the Game, speaker, physician and brain expert, Dr. Joanny Liu is an international leader in Chinese Sports Medicine and Chinese Sports Psychology.

She has appeared on FOX TV, NBC, CTV and Global TV and has been quoted by ABC, CBS, The Boston Globe and the Miami Herald. She recently spoke to audiences at Harvard Club of Boston and at Harvard School of Medicine about what can be constructively done about concussions.

One of Dr. Joanny’s major strengths is her deep understanding of the connection between one’s psychology and physiology, the defining criteria for successful living. She is well known for comprehensive solutions that create expected results.

See: for more information about her, and her best selling book! “Like” her at

Special Edition: Sept Kick Off of Brain Aneurysm Awareness Month

September is Brain Aneurysm Awareness Month! Few of us who survived them, had ever heard of one until that fateful moment … And then our lives were changed forever. 1 in 50 people have aneurysms. I’m 1 in 50, are you? Please call in and share your experience if you’re an aneurysm survivor or caregiver. We have a great slate of guests that represent all walks of aneurysm..

Help me kick off the Awareness Month with your experience on this Special Edition – Voices & Faces of Brain Aneurysm, and learn some some cold, hard facts about this condition .. The things your Doc usually fails to tell you ..

Guests – Me – Kim Justus (01/09/1995), Rico Principe (02/09/04), Niki Anoniem (06/07/18), Tammy Buck (01-01-11), Lynn Vanderhoof Lawrence (12-01-1976), Micki Turner (07/13/17), Adam Mate (1986), Cathee Cao (04/24/18), Joyce Boyle (10/24/16), Todd Grissom (03/06/14), Yasmine Jennings & Leo Palisano (11/10/2009), LesPaul Morgan (12-18-84) .. and more!