Simon Says: Challenging Purpose When Faced with New Reality

Having a traumatic brain injury is one thing. It’s horrible and we walk away with both physical and emotional challenges. Then .. Learn to cope with any damage that was done. Now, imagine being made aware you have a possible ticking time bomb in your body. One option is to “wait and see,” and another may be a difficult fix with fallout. While we’re contemplating this new information, we become acutely aware, that our life once again, will never be the same. A new curve ball has found its path our way. We adapt, embrace gratitude, hope and our ever continuing quest for purpose. Join Kim and Simon on the journey to a new reality.

Path to Owning Your Life Story

In her new book Authenticity Awakened: The Path to OWNING Your Life’s Story and Fulfilling Your Purpose, Vicki Znavor guides readers on how to mine their life story to discover their pivotal moments, values and their purpose which together create the foundation for ultimate success and a rewarding work life. She helps others understand their pivotal life stories, their values and their purpose by providing tools, exercises and real-life examples. She has also incorporated significant research on the topic. As the awareness that one has of their authenticity deepens, it becomes increasingly more difficult to show up as someone they’re not. By awakening your Authenticity, you stop living someone else’s life, cease simply going along with others’ expectations of you, have the courage to admit your mistakes, ask for what you are worth, and have the courage to have difficult conversations with others. She guides you on all of this!

TBI Time of Hope, Renewal & New Beginnings

A couple of weeks ago I was going to discuss a twist on this topic, but the first half of that show was on the quickly changing COVID information, rules and resources. That ended up taking the whole show! The last “Simon Says” installment, has some great information on the vaccines, the virus and the future. CoHost Caren and I decided this is an even better time in spring to discuss hope and change, renewal and new beginnings! The end of March, though officially spring, easn’t quite feeling it for mid-westerners Caren and I. Long winter … Reframing our thinking and positive psychology are just some of the ways we can navigate the course of life, much more smoothly. By now we are seeing signs of color and new life. We can make this time to enjoy getting back outside, and some attitude adjustment. Join us for this productive and interesting discussion! Both of my books are on spring sale on Amazon to celebrate spring! For the month of April enjoy these lower prices!

Importance of Networking with Nathan Perez

Networking plays a major role in every aspect of our lives, even if we don’t see or realize that we’re doing it. Especially in our professional lives. When it comes to job search and career development, it’s hands-down the most important skill to have. Tonight we’ll learn from an expert, how to make the preocess less intimidating! Networking…do I have to? It’s a common sentiment, and shared by most. Except for some self-proclaimed extroverts, most people don’t care for the idea of networking. It’s intimidating for some, and scary for others. What do I do? What do I expect? What do I say? Consequently, people avoid networking altogether. None the less, most jobs and compatible relationships rely on a good bit of networking. Join me with Nathan Perez who co-authored the wildly successful book series The 20-Minute Networking Meeting and learn the edge to this skill, so challenging for most.