Happy 30th Anniversary ADA

Susan Fitzmaurice has worked in the fields of education, book sales, government, non-profit and now enjoys being a full-time disability activist. Her latest project has been to organize the Michigan ADA Anniversary Celebration, with 80+ events spread over 69 days. Susan is the parent of a son with Down Syndrome, and she has a spinal cord injury, low vision, and deafness among other disabilities. She is disabled and passionately proud. See mi-ada.org for more information. also check out: Society for Disability Studies & Michigan ADA 2020 30th Anniversary Celebration.

New Treatment for Concussion with Dr. Bansal

Dr. Vishal Bansal, MD. FACS is the director of trauma surgery at Scripps Mercy Hospital in San Diego and chief scientific officer of Oxeia BioPharmaceuticals. As a trauma surgeon, Dr. Bansal operates on patients who are victims of a range of blunt force or penetrating traumas, from car crashes to gunshot wounds to stabbings to brain injuries. Dr. Bansal has seen dramatic advances in many areas of medicine, but laments that treatment for concussions is still primitive and focuses on the symptoms rather than a cure. Dr. Bansal is a physician with a dream: He wants to develop the first FDA-approved therapeutics that treat not only the immediate symptoms of a concussion, but also the underlying damage. The company co-founded by Dr. Bansal, Oxeia Biopharmaceuticals, has a therapeutic, OXE-103 that has been approved by the FDA for Phase 2 testing. Dr. Bansal will talk about the company’s upcoming trials and the promise of their drug for those suffering from the long-term effects of concussions. Says, Dr. Bansal, “Rest is not enough.”

I Think Therefore I Am Wrong – Dr. Howard Rankin

Dr Howard Rankin has extensive expertise and knowledge in the areas of psychology, neuroscience and neurotechnology. He is also an experienced speaker and best-selling and award-winning author. Dr. Rankin has written 12 books in his own name, co-written another 9, and ghostwritten 30 others, all non-fiction. He has also published more than 30 scientific articles and been a consultant to the NIH and WHO. His work has been featured in many newspapers and magazines and he has appeared on national networks including CNN, ABC, CBS, BBC, and on “The View” and “20/20”.

How Not To Think about…brain injuries

Kim was interviewed by Dr. Howard Rankin (see info below) – click the link below to listen!!


Dr. Howard Rankin B.A., M.Phil., Ph.D, has published over thirty-five scientific papers on addictions and eating disorders and for ten years was the associate editor of the scientific journal Addictive Behaviors. Dr. Rankin has authored or co-authored 10 books on communication, relationships, wellness and weight loss, including the best selling “Inspired to Lose”. He has a practice in Hilton Head, South Carolina, and in 2010 opened the Rankin Center for Neuroscience and Integrative Health.