September is Brain Aneurysm Awareness Month. An estimated 6.7 million people in the United States have an unruptured brain aneurysm or 1 in 50 people. The annual rate of rupture is approximately 8 – 10 per 100,000 people. About 30,000 people in the United States suffer a brain aneurysm rupture each year. A brain aneurysm ruptures every 18 minutes. There are almost 500,000 deaths worldwide each year caused by brain aneurysms, and half the victims are younger than 50. Ruptured brain aneurysms are fatal in about 50% of cases. Of those who survive, about 66% suffer some permanent neurological deficit. Approximately 15% of people with a ruptured aneurysm die before reaching the hospital. Most of the deaths are due to rapid and massive brain injury from the initial bleeding. We recently lost a valued advocate in the Brain Aneurysm Community – Rico Principe. He founded one of the largest online aneurysm support pages on FB, helping thousands. We’d like to pay tribute to him and the service he provided so many. The shock of his passing has rocked the community. We will be joined by his lovely daughter Abby as we share her grief, We will also hear from fellow Brain Aneurysm Survivors in the interest of sharing, educating, and raising awareness. All know of Heart Disease, Cancer, etc. Much fewer know about Aneurysm, unless their lives have been touched by it.
Simon Says: Summer to Fall Covers Most All
With September a few days away, we looked ahead to see what topic associated might make a good discussion. Being a survivor (Kim), I knew that it will be Brain Aneurysm Awareness Month. That will be covered on another show. September signals the seasonal change from summer to fall, the remberence of 9-11, the Presidential Election, and now COVID Vax .. To do or not? I was surprised to know it was also National Suicide and Depression Awareness Month. That dovetails with many of the topics we will deal with here, so we’ll be discussing mental health tonight.
Emergency Preparedness with Kim & Caren
We will be discussing how to prepare for an emergency before it happens. Recently the Midwest had a rare type of storm that left more residents out of power, than ever in the history of the area. Just afterward the Atlantic Coast was beaten with Hurricane Debby, and the next week California had earthquakes! No matter what time of year, or what what type of emergency – Be it from Mother Nature or other causes, it’s random, scary and dangerous. People are put in positions of injury or even death. How can we minimize our chances of the worst outcomes? Let’s talk about it and feel free to share your ideas.
Blast from the Past with LesPaul
Happy to be back tonight after some studio driven tech difficulties! Even happier to welcome back LesPaul Morgan, long time former host, multiple brain aneurysm survivor and disability advocate. He will share where he’s been since he last hit the Mics, which will include a discussion of CSRA. Les is really turned on by AI now and will tell his what he’s learned, as well as bleeps on current events (fake news, politics) and life in general. Both being music lovers, we’ll be sprinkling in some of our old faves.
More on Misdiagnosis of TBI from Caren and Kim
Ignorance causes misdiagnosis and therefore ineffective (or no) treatment for children with Brain Injury – Particularly ones with less obvious “tells”. Professionals, parents, educators, and others are not familiar with common symptoms that point to Brain Injury. As a result, too many kids are thrust into a life of challenges that are never tied back to the root cause of TBI. In turn a disfunctional circle forms, robbing these children a quality of life and independence they may have achieved. These patterns cause so many to fall through the cracks, then following them into adulthood. Profiling becomes an issue based on ability level both outside and inside the brain injury community. Needs based services, advocacy groups, and others are more sympathetic to those obviously impaired. The others, deal not only with their injury but proving themselves – Even if they don’t recognize the issue themselves.
Independence Party Night
Being the night before the day after (Independence Day July 4th) .. It’s likely to sound like a war zone in my studio. We’re one of those cities which allow citizens to arm themselves with personal explosives to fire off around the neighborhood. How I envy those that only allow organized events! Special segment by Dorrin Rosenfeld our 3rd Thurs of ea month host on release of her new book “The Day I Got Hit by a Tortilla Truck!” See Amazon or That being said, I invite YOU to call in and keep me company! Share YOUR Independence, OUR Independence, listen to the music of Independent Musicians .. Many Patriotic lining up with the holiday. Hope to see you here!
Simon Says: The Heat is On
Join us as we welcome back our last Wednesday of each month, co-host Simon Lewis! The “Heat is on” covers a lot of territory tonight – From where Simon has been for months (Health issues on top of TBI, Date at Last, Car Assist-When the rubber meets the road), to Summer Solstice a few days ago (Heat Exhaustion versus Heat Stroke), to July 4th in a week, and the cautions of personal fireworks, to the first Debate between Presidential Candidates tomorrow night. We encourage you to force an open mind, really listen, and make your own informed decision on your vote later this year. Who will stick solely to the mud slinging platform, and who will address what concerns our citizens the most?
Revolutionary Optimism with Dr. Paul Zeitz
Dr. Paul Zeitz is a preventive medicine physician, epidemiologist, author, and award-winning champion of global justice and human rights. He has been on the front lines of the global AIDS movement, climate transformation, racial and gender equity, authentic democracy, sustainable development, and child welfare in the U.S. and around the world. Often when the odds against success appeared to be insurmountable, with Dr. Paul’s leadership and support, barriers fell and victories arose. Through his many challenges and experiences, he also learned to fail forward! Revolutionary Optimism: 7 Steps for Living as a Love-Centered Activist, Dr. Paul shows us how to break free from feelings of confusion, pessimism, and cynicism about the world and step into a place of empowerment, resourcefulness, and inspiration. Through this inside-out approach to healing, self-liberation, and transformation, Dr. Paul ignites in us a profound depth of optimism that has the power to change lives. For more see:
Ignorance is Not Bliss With TBI
Ignorance causes misdiagnosis and therefore ineffective (or no) treatment for children with Brain Injury – Particularly ones with less obvious “tells”. Professionals, parents, educators, and others are not familiar with common symptoms that point to BI. As a result, too many kids are thrust into a life of systems that “house” them, but seldom have time, knowledge or resources to adequately treat them. In turn a disfunctional circle forms, robbing these children a quality of life and independence they may have achieved. These patterns as so many fall through the cracks, follows them into adulthood. Profiling becomes an issue based on ability level both outside and inside the brain injury community. Needs based services, advocacy groups, and others are more sympathetic to those obviously impaired. The others, deal not only with their injury but proving themselves – Even if they don’t recognize the issue themselves. Many are labeled as mentally ill, bad kids, yet another case of ADHD and not identified by the root cause of brain injury.
Moving Forward in Faith from TBI with Kim and Lori Faitel
Excited tonight to welcome back Lori (Purdy) Faitel – A Brain Injury Radio original Host and woman of many talents and insights. We’ll be discussing several topics, among them injuries common to caregiving, and moving forward from Brain Injury. Lori lives for the betterment of people. She took time to share her favorite stress relief resource -Animals, creating zoo stories. She has also been a long time volunteer and advocate for brain injury. She writes therapeutically for the promotion of leisure, comfort and Faith. “Life is not always easy and when things get tough I have learned to participate in activity that bring’s me peace.”