Life After Brain Hemorrhage

September is Brain Aneurysm Awareness Month. Some rupture from pressure, and others wait patiently for the day they likely do. Known by descriptions beyond just Aneurysm … You hear these beasts described as Hemorrhagic stroke due to bleeding into the brain by the rupture of a blood vessel. Hemorrhagic stroke may be further subdivided into intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). Ischemic and TIA are often associated terms. Join me with a special panel of survivors – Vanessa Kelly, Megan Bacigalupo, Chris Chappell, and Host – Kim Justus. We represent long time, moderate time & recent survivors. The nuisances of each story tells volumes. 1 in 50 suffer aneurysm. About 25% of people who experience a brain aneurysm rupture die within 24 hours. Around 50% of people die within three months of the rupture due to complications. Of those who survive, about 66% experience permanent brain damage. Listen, share, be aware .. And pass it on.

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