Kim will open with a quote by Missouri Attorney Albert Watkins, accentuating ignorance and cruelity directed by a good portion of society, and their false assumptions behind disabilites of the brain. We advocate and raise awareness here. This is a perfect example of anyone, let alone someone with a high profile perpetuating what could now be seen as “hate speech” versus a 1st Ammedment comment. Kim & Caren will be discussing Autoimmune Disorders. People are normally aware of the obvious ones, but there are so many more than the more common condtions you hear mentioned. Do YOU have an Autoimmune Disorder? Does your Brain Injury constitute one? What other conditions that you wrestle with may be considered in that category? You may be really surprised. If you do have a condition(s) considered an auto immune disorder, what kind of pre-cautions do you take during “normal times” .. if any of us remember those, and how do we handle them under extreme circumstances like COVID?