While I have been here every week for my shows, I have largely been off the grid due to family health emergencies, and a few illnesses of my own. I’ve had lots of great ideas, but not so much the energy and motivation to follow through. We all fashion the routines that work for us, in that they keep us at peak stability & productivity -But go off those comfort rails, & all bets off. Tonight is OPEN MIC – I haven’t been on social media much, gone cross eyed on Zoom, haven’t lifted the 100 pound phone, and have been laying low. That in turn, cuts off the socialization that is so important for our well-being. Had a guest cancellation/reschedule tonight, and decided rather than putting in a rerun .. I would show up for what the network was designed for .. Live support. So .. I’ll be here, I know Gary Turner will be here, Hatter, hope Michael & Alisa can make it & any of you others who I have been missing, or just would like an outlet tonight. If not, I’ll be talking to myself at you, about some brain injury challenges, & some more ponderables, along with some tunes by our great panel of Indies.