Miracle or Coincidence

It’s every woman’s dream to have a man take her out on a date transported by a private jet. Little did Arlicia Albert know the Lord would fulfill her dream as a means of life flight transportation after suffering a near death brain aneurysm on her mother’s 72nd birthday August 15, 2011. Arlicia’s severe aneurysm required agreement to participate in a Humanitarian Use Device (HUD) project called “Cordis Enterprise Vascular Reconstruction Device and Delivery System – Humanitarian Use Device”.

Minister Arlicia R. Albert brings forth messages that are life changing. She is a powerful preacher, teacher and inspirational speaker, who encourages others with uplifting messages, relevant life stories and life skills that apply in both the faithbased and industry sectors. She is also a sought after national motivational speaker, women’s conference presenter, and corporate work, faith, life balance coach. See ArliciaAlbert.com

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