Police Brutality Against Their Own

Join my guest(s) the McPeak’s as we discuss the brutality imposed on their son, as he was about to complete training at the police academy. Due to the nature of a training drill where blunt force is used, CS sustained substantial brain injury. Denial by the Blue Wall cause great hardship. Awareness needs to be raised and new protocol in place for “crisis management” training, mandatory for all officers in the special circumstances of a person with a TBI or mental illness. Not enough education or knowledge is known about the effects of brain injury and repeated concussions, among their own, or the public at large. What can we legislate, raise awareness of a need for change in protocol in some police training programs? We’re learning it with the NFL, the Veteran’s, and now perhaps a need for law enforcement? For the safety of all consider a Veteran coming home with an undiagnosed brain injury, joining the force, confronting a patron with an unrecognized TBI, and the perfect storm that could become.

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