Voices of Survivor Authors Speak Out

In recognition of Brain Injury Awareness Month, we’ll be featuring several survivor’s who have become published authors about their journeys. We all have a story. If you doubt your ability to voice it by becoming an author, you may reconsider. For others looking for survivor stories and how they’ve learned to cope-You’ll have a wide variety to choose from here. Great show you can listen to an author or two at a time in archive if you missed live!

Deborah Schlag: AwakeningsCenterNC.com

Dr. Cheryle Sullivan: tbijourney.com

Michael Ciafone: meandmichael.org

Terry Smith: TerrySmithBooks.com

Tim Bransfield: alifeinterrupted.net

Amy Van Patten Ofenbeck: Amazon

Jeff Sebell: tbisurvivor.com (unable to come due to illness)

Kim Justus: inaflash.org

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