Cyberphysiologist on Healing Negative Emotions

Gary Sinclair is a Cyberphysiologist and winner of Outstanding Transpersonal Contribution, in the field of Bridging Body, Mind & Spirit. In his personal life, he has overcome 50% lung capacity at birth to full, 14 years of MS with 80% mobility loss to healed, and recently 14 strokes with paralysis to no signs of a stroke in each case within 30 minutes. This is one interview YOU MUST HEAR and you know why! His latest book that cracks the code for healing titled ‘Healing Memories in Seconds.’ will be featured on PBS TV. Gary has personally taught over 3,000 people how to neutralize their worst memory every at PTSD level in 20 seconds with his latest work. Yup, WE ARE IN AWE of this new therapy work and you will be also.

See More at his Website:

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