Looks like Blog Talk has Cleared up most of it’s tech issues that caused this show not to go off a couple weeks ago! This time, Dr Whyte & I are ready to roll on the TBI Rehab Model ..
Dr. Whyte is a physiatrist and experimental psychologist specializing in traumatic brain injury rehabilitation. He has worked as a clinician caring for patients with severe brain injury for 30 years, as well as conducting research on many issues related to TBI and other neurologic conditions. He is the founding director of the Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute, begun in 1992, and an Attending Physician at MossRehab. His research focuses on cognitive impairment after TBI, including assessment and treatment, with a major emphasis on disorders of attention, executive function, and consciousness. He has participated in the TBI Model System research program since 1997, and has received numerous awards for his research and leadership in TBI rehabilitation. See: Main Page http://www.msktc.org/ AND http://www.msktc.org/tbi for many free TBI resources, AND http://www.msktc.org/tbi/model-system-centers for TBI Model Systems.