Evelyn Cavanaugh Moore born in 1924 passed away from Alzheimer’s in 2014 at age 90. A USMC veteran (1950-55) she achieved the rank of Sergeant. She was as highly motivated in her old age as she was when she joined the Corps. She left the Corps once it was obvious she was pregnant. She hid her pregnancy until her superior beckoned her to his office and said, “We can’t hide this any longer. I hate to lose you. You’re one of the best Marines I’ve ever had.” Never forgetting the Corps, she saluted people, sang the Marine Hymn often, and loved hearing about the Corps. When in pain, she chanted, “I’m a Marine! I’m a Marine!” Christmas 2013, the idea of Sgt Mom receiving cards from Marines surfaced on FB. Thanks to the Corps, who never forget their own, Sgt Mom went viral. Sgt Mom wrote a book at age 83 after being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. It is titled Aging with Spirituality and Humor. Her daughter, Mary Alice Moore, is in the process of publishing it with proceeds going to The Semper Fi Fund as a way to give back to the many military members who reached out to Sgt Mom. See more www.facebook.com/sgtmomoorah