Attracting Abundance Through Numbers

You’ve heard of numerology, the study of the influence of numbers on your life and destiny. But chances are you’ve never heard about ASTRONUMEROLOGY! That’s because it’s the discovery of Jesse Kalsi, a world-renowned counselor sought out by Hollywood stars, SiliconValley billionaires, real estate moguls, entertainment companies and people just like you. See how you can attract love, abundance and joy based on your numbers .. Be it your address, birthdate, or other personal numbers. A successful real estate broker by trade, Jesse is also a Certified Federal Aviation Administration Flight Instructor and holds a commercial pilot’s license. Born in India where he was attended India’s equivalent of West Point, and intended to make a career in the army, he was informed of his true life purpose and resigned from the military to pursue helping people through his unique gifts, understandings and perspective of numerology.

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